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Use Your Stash #4 and #5


people are joining in!

Lou from has decided to join in. She changed the rules to fit her goals!

I grew up with this saying being repeated over and over during my childhood.

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.” 

It has had a huge impact on me as an adult. I do feel that it is wasteful to have so many crafting supplies and then to not use them. I find myself running out to buy a little bit of this or a little bit of that and I wondered if I could actually create 100 items over 100+ days without going to the store. So I started this challenge to use up my supplies. You can find  the original blog post here.

I have finished #4 and #5


#4 oatmeal colored scarf with brown edges

I completely used the oatmeal colored yarn. I almost finished the brown heather yarn. They were two complete skeins at the beginning.

2014-01-19 14.50.45 2014-01-19 14.50.59

#5 Shortened and Hemmed curtains for daughter’s bedroom.

2014-01-19 16.32.07


Sorry about the awful photo. The curtains look great and don’t drag on the floor.

How are you doing? What number are you working on?

Talk to you later,


My blog posts are running about a day behind what I am actually finishing up!














