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The “To Do List”

Here is what I have been working on these days.

The red granny square blanket only needs 21 more squares and edging to be completed.  Let’s not forget that I will need to weave in, sew down and clip all these long threads.


The brown granny square blanket needs  more yarn. I am almost finished with this. I lack about 10-12 more rounds and then edging. I won’t have many yarns to weave in as I carried my yarn from one row to another.


Boot Cuffs

I have tons of yarn that I bought to crochet these. I have about eight that need to be joined and finish work.


I have one dark green scarf that needs to be completed. It is wool and a joy to crochet. We cleaned up prior to the wedding and it was tucked away.

There is also one dark blue cotton yarn scarf that needs to be completed.

I am also wanting to crochet a bunch of granny stripe scarves for the shop. I think they would make great stocking stuffer gifts for my girls, but I think that they are overloaded on yarny things.

Patch blankets

When my kids were in scouts I started making patch blankets. This is a blanket with all of their patches sewn on so they don’t get lost. They would look a bit like this. I also sewed his favorite  t-shirt fronts to our oldest’s blanket. Needless to say, the others now want theirs finished as well.

(You can find this patch blanket here: )

So this is my to do list at present!

What is on your to do list?
