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Log Cabin Quilt

Taking a quilting class can be fun. It can be educational. It can be both if you take the class with friends. I have never really quilted. I decided to use my scraps as it would be a great way to use up scrap pieces. This was not a great idea. It has been really hard and I have ripped out more than I care to admit.

Log Cabin quilt

I set out the fabrics to see if my idea would work.   After taking all the squares apart and putting them back together about 4 times. I have learned some things.

  • When you take a quilting class for the first time. Buy exactly what they say. If it calls for 1 1/2 yards of color A then either have 1 1/2 yards or buy 1 1/2 yards of one fabric.
  • A class is not the time  to vary from the instructions in any way. There is a reason why they want you to do the work a specific way.
  • Buy the gizmos and gadgets that they list in the instructions
  • It is stressful to the teacher for you to vary greatly from what everyone is doing. She worries that you won’t get it done, or that it will reflect badly on her.
  • It takes time away from the other students, if the teacher spends her time working with you on your crazy project.

Now you know what I learned this week. It has been incredibly stressful and I spent several nightmare days ripping out sewing and then doing it again wrong. I can easily say that this has been the single more frustrating thing I have ever done, and I brought it all on myself. I persevered and got it done.

Log Cabin quilt Log Cabin quiltI almost have the blocks finished. I have two left to rip out and sew again. That will give me 13 blocks and allow me a spare for the layout process.

Talk to you later,
