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How to Be Productive!

I recently read an interesting article on how to be productive which immediately took me back several years (cough, cough)  to Freshman orientation class at Oklahoma State University. Since I was undecided in my major at that time I was funneled into a study skills class instead of a regular Freshman orientation class. The class spoke a lot about dovetailing work or stacking things that need to be done ie do your laundry and study at the same time. I dovetail work all the time, today it was crocheting while waiting at the orthodontist office.


You can find the article here:

The article talks about batching which is a new concept for me. It reminds us to do our work in batches or groups of like items. If you are going to work on email then take make a commitment to check email twice a day instead of all day long. Which will save you time. Work on your paperwork at the same time everyday and so forth. Well, the study skills class spoke about the same kinds of things but added in another wrinkle…dovetailing. Sandwiching your work so that the washer is washing while the dryer is drying and you are doing something entirely different. Now in the crafting or handmade business this is a bit more difficult as we don’t have machines that do the work for us. So how can we dovetail or sandwich our work.

This is what dovetailing and batching looks like for my business ChocolateDogStudio;

While cutting out bibs I will also cut out cozies, and French press cozies. Then I arrange them by the color of thread and item and do all of the sewing requiring white thread at one time, then brown, blue etc…. I will also arrange them by the item. So all bibs requiring white thread, then all cozies needing white thread and so on. IMG_0247

Here the bibs are all arranged into thread color families. That way I finish multiple items before I need to change thread. I also sew buttons on in this way.


Here are the bibs and cozies all arranged according to color families before I start stitching.


When I package orders I print packing labels and then do all of the shipping at the same time. This saves me time in the long run but also saves me some walking. IMG_0246


What I really like about Ali’s article is keeping your distance from Social media and being careful about how often you check your email and facebook. Yes, I am guilty as charged. It started when I was worried about every little sale on Etsy and then I got a smart phone and the bad habit got worse. I have been working on disciplining myself to only check email and so forth twice a day or at most three times a day.

So now I am thinking about batching on my blog and writing several blog posts at once and having them post during the week. That way I am reaching my goals of blogging three times a week, without having to think about it every day.

If you run an Etsy shop there are several neat programs that will allow you to schedule your tweets.  Check the Etsy apps and see which one will work for you.  What a great time saver! It is time to get those set up again and keep them running. So I could dovetail my tweets and blog posts and then I could do other things during the time that I would normally spend doing those two things every day! Whew, what a time saver and a relief!  I have felt a little stretched for time and I was wondering how to get it done this Christmas season.

Talk to you later, I’m off to write a couple of blog posts and schedule some posts!




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A Few Blankets

One of my favorite photographers came by and spent several hours visiting and shooting some photos of my Etsy products. We had a great time drinking coffee and eating some cookies while he worked.

Here is one of the photos he took. This almost represents a whole years worth of blankets I have crocheted. I love the fluffiness of the yarns in this one.



You can almost touch and feel the softness of some of the yarns.  This photo is missing the red granny square and several other blankets that sold.

Talk to you later,


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Serape Stripe Blanket Pattern

The Serape Stripe Blanket is now available for purchase at either

craftsy or Etsy:

Serape Stripe Blanket Pattern


Talk to you later,


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Serape Style Blanket….

Here it is! I started this earlier this week. I am so excited.

The Serape Style Blanket..

IMG_0164It is 43″ x 49″ approximately. The edging is a simple picot edge.



IMG_0171There you go another ChocolateDogStudio blanket. It is for sale in the Etsy shop with the pattern soon to follow. The colors seemed to fly onto the blanket by themselves and it was finished up super quick.

Talk to you later,



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Weekend drive

We had a busy weekend as we took a weekend drive last week.We headed down to Longview, Texas for a college visit and a visit to our college girl. She was too busy to come home for her Fall break and I haven’t seen her since August. Our youngest son wanted to visit the school and see what he thought about it. The good news for us is he is done visiting colleges. Now we just need to get him prepped and finished with his high school coursework.

It was a long drive and I had my foot up for most of it on the way down. The back seat of the car looked like this.

Weekend drive  Weekend drive

A mixed up mess of yarn and yarn bags. I got quite a bit of inspirational work done and played with some bits and pieces.

Weekend drive, The start of granny hexagons! These colors make me happy. I am even happier with the border and the size they will be when they are finished.

Weekend driveWeekend drive

The campus is beautiful and restful. I had quite a bit of time off and it was nice to sit and think. I didn’t walk much but it was nice and restful. I love the big pine trees on the campus. I think I will save the inspirational  photos for another day.

talk to you later,





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Been Stressed Much, Lately!

Are you feeling a bit stressed lately. I know I have, I have been a bit frustrated the past month or two.  I could list my frustrations out but I think it is counter productive. I have been listing them over and over and then expecting them to go away. Since doing the same thing repetitively and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. I have finally decided to list out ways to overcome frustration. The first step is to decide which frustrations I can personally change and which I have absolutely no influence over.

Frustration seems to come from a feeling of lack of control. Its root is either anger or fear. I have been feeling both emotions in abundance lately. So rather than take you into the dark places that I have been travelling lately. I am going to walk us through an exercise of how to overcome.

Remember that frustration is born of wanting things or people to be a certain way that is fixed in your head. Your expectations of others and of how the world works is formed over many years of experiences and sometimes your personal overlay is defective; it might have been a source of self-protection once but when it continues to advise you poorly for future experiences, then it is stuck in time, and generally plain wrong. When you cease to expect other people to act in a certain way, when you start to look at the world with fresh eyes again and expect nothing apart from the fact that you are a member of a community of individuals and a world of many happenings, then you start to realize that things happen, people are the way that they are, and most importantly of all, how you react matters.

Ok, so my frustration is born out of the expectation that the surgery I just had would give me greater mobility, not less. Is there anything I personally can do to change this mobility issue? What would help me?

1. Exercise (which in itself is frustrating as all the written information talks about going for a walk!) Are there other types of exercise that I can do? Yes, I can start swimming, even though it means that I will swim differently now. I can also do Pilates which requires nothing more than a clear space and a tv.

2. Clearing your mind (I don’t know what I think about this. People with clear minds often have empty minds devoid of creativity) I think they mean that you stop thinking about what you can’t do and instead focus on what you can do! Like a camera that can take close up photos. If I focus on the things I can’t do then I forget all of the things that I can do. I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason, which I may never know. It is our choice to either allow that “thing” to destroy or refine us.

3. Change how I react to what I can and can’t do

Frustration usually occurs when our intended personal goals and dreams are not met. We may feel frustrated when an outcome of what we wanted to happen simply did not happen, or when we meet challenges. There are so many things that can cause us to be frustrated. Some people act on that feeling, while others do not. More often than not, the cause of our frustrations can be attributed to external forces that we do not have control over. It can be triggered by a situation like a gadget not working, or even by another person. Frustration can block us from feeling motivated. We can react by trying to solve what is causing the frustration, or we can just simply give up.

4. Giving up is not an option. I am not a quitter. I do not give up. I am as my Mom says a fighter. She says I have courage, actually, I am too afraid not to take the next step. I tend to do what I can to keep from thinking about what is happening or going on around me. Pain refines and challenges every aspect of our lives and frankly I would rather have the physical pain rather than emotional pain. Time doesn’t dull pain acceptance does. We allow the paint to infiltrate and diffuse into every part of our lives until it has been with us so long that we have a hard time even recognizing it. Until it is gone, well and truly gone.  Then only by concentrating do we see that there is pain and that something needs to be done.

I had a long talk with a long time friend last night. We had both had amazingly frustrating weeks and it was nice to talk to someone and get a different point of view on things. She helped me immensely. It was nice to be able to say what has been on my mind and have someone remind me that things really are better than I think. I think I was able to do the same thing and encourage her to look past her frustrations. So, my last piece of advice would be to find a close friend and really talk to them about your frustrations, if you can. We don’t often share like we did last night but it really helped to talk about our fears and get them out in the open. Fear really doesn’t like the light of day and sharing about your fears often makes them go away. Remember that there is a difference between sharing and whining!

Been Stressed Much, Lately! The lovely corner detail of a baby blanket.

The photos are of some new blankets that I started this past weekend. They are beautiful and I can’t wait to share the finished patterns and product in the shop! The pink and brown one is already for sale in the shop and I love this close up of the border.  You can find it here:

Talk to you later,


p.s. I am also assuming that you have already prayed about your frustrations.

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The Rainbow Blanket

Here it is, The Rainbow Crochet blanket!At the beginning… Not far from the beginning…. 2013-08-31 10.01.32   In the middle…. 2013-09-01 15.49.22   I apologize for this photo. I took it with my phone and it just isn’t very good. Here it is in all it’s glory. IMG_2690   IMG_2695 IMG_2696 IMG_2692and now a whole blanket shot! IMG_2721   These whole blanket shots are always a bit tricky. It is a wonderful arrangement of beautiful colors. All in all it took me a week to crochet it, and that is a record for me. I don’t think I could do it again. It kept me busy while I was laid up recovering from surgery. It is now available in my Etsy shop: If  you want to make your own Rainbow blanket you can also purchase the pattern here on Etsy: or Here on craftsy:

talk to you later,


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Are You Afraid?

I read this article this morning as it scrolled past on my facebook feed. It hit a sore spot with me and I had to write. Anyway here is the article and then the quote that started all this introspection.

Steven Pressfield sums it up well in his groundbreaking work, The War of Art:

“Self doubt can be an ally. This is because it serves as an indicator of aspiration. It reflects love, love of something we dream of doing, and desire, desire to do it. If you find yourself asking yourself, “Am I really a writer? Am I really an artist?” chances are you are. The Counterfeit innovator is wildly self-confident. The real one is scared to death.”
Are you doing your own thing or copying someone else’s work? Are you wondering if you are following the beat of your own drum or a rehash of yet another whatzit? I do ask myself these questions over and over again as I sew mundane things like cup cozies, baby bibs and crochet blankets.
What I truly want to do or wish to do is the very thing I am most afraid to do.  I like sewing the baby bibs and cup cozies, but my heart is truly in design work. My heart lies deepest in working with colors, fibers and creating. I struggle to write patterns and do design work simply because the work proceeds from my fingers without much thought. It is relatively unconscious and simply flows through the arm and out of the hook. It is intuitive, and one of a kind. How can you create patterns of one of a kind creations?
I guess I will need to figure that out in the coming months. After the last three months of recuperation from surgery I am very aware of the limitations of my body. I know that my hands are not capable of crocheting more than 1 custom adult sized blanket a month. Which makes at the very most only 12 blankets a year. How can a business be sustained on 12 blankets a year? That is the question that keeps me awake at night.
Do you have any suggestions or comments?
talk to you later,
I do have to say that this has nothing to do with 9/11 nor is it in any way to take away from losses  and grief that we as a Nation are feeling today.
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Granny Square Bulls Eye Blanket!

Finally, It is finished. This blanket has taken me longer than any other. It has been frogged not once but twice. Here you go the ta da photos. It is now listed in my shop and ready to go to a new home. It is 100% wool. You can find it here in the shop:

IMG_2572 IMG_2590 IMG_2591-001 IMG_2593-001My wonderful, oldest son took these photos for me as I am still on crutches. He did a great job and I am really thankful that he helped me out!

Thanks, Mark!

Talk to you later,



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The “To Do List”

Here is what I have been working on these days.

The red granny square blanket only needs 21 more squares and edging to be completed.  Let’s not forget that I will need to weave in, sew down and clip all these long threads.


The brown granny square blanket needs  more yarn. I am almost finished with this. I lack about 10-12 more rounds and then edging. I won’t have many yarns to weave in as I carried my yarn from one row to another.


Boot Cuffs

I have tons of yarn that I bought to crochet these. I have about eight that need to be joined and finish work.


I have one dark green scarf that needs to be completed. It is wool and a joy to crochet. We cleaned up prior to the wedding and it was tucked away.

There is also one dark blue cotton yarn scarf that needs to be completed.

I am also wanting to crochet a bunch of granny stripe scarves for the shop. I think they would make great stocking stuffer gifts for my girls, but I think that they are overloaded on yarny things.

Patch blankets

When my kids were in scouts I started making patch blankets. This is a blanket with all of their patches sewn on so they don’t get lost. They would look a bit like this. I also sewed his favorite  t-shirt fronts to our oldest’s blanket. Needless to say, the others now want theirs finished as well.

(You can find this patch blanket here: )

So this is my to do list at present!

What is on your to do list?
