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Grey and Red Granny Circles Blanket Finished!

I feel like I have been working on this blanket forever, but I haven’t.

You first saw it at this point.

2013-10-24 12.32.50

Then there was this point.

2014-01-23 12.53.01It was about the straw that broke the camel’s back. It felt SO small, and it was the trouble was that it was already 10 x 10 squares. It need to get bigger…so it did.


2014-01-07 08.59.00

Here are the “WOW, I can’t believe it is finished photos IMG_3626 IMG_3630 IMG_3632 IMG_3633It is  12  x  16  squares and measures 41   x  53 inches.

It is now listed for sale in the Etsy shop.


I hope to list the pattern soon as well.

Thank you for stopping by!

This is #7 for me in the Use Your Stash for 100 projects!

Talk to you later,
