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To do revised!

Here is my to do list revised for this week. I really got a lot marked off my to do list last week and this is what I am left with for this week.

  •  Finish quilting the striped quilt!  I finally finished quilting this little quilt.
  •  Put the binding on the stripe quilt  It isn’t perfect and there is much I would change about it but it is finished and I can start on something else, soon. It is bright and pretty. This is number 16.

To do revised!

To do revised!

Here the quilt is waiting on it’s binding and for the basting stitches to be removed.

  •  Cut out and sew  more super hero capes. These are pretty quick and easy to sew. I should get them finished up soon.
  •  Sew cup cozies that take red thread. I batch sew according to thread color it makes the sewing so much faster.
  •  Deconstruct some jeans so they are ready for cutting.  I got this done. Deconstructing jeans is mainly just a bunch of scissor work.
  •  Pack some orders  Whew, packing orders always gives me a bit of stress until I am finished and they are mailed.
  • Clean the studio
  • Sew the aprons already cut out
  • Sew some coffee press cozies
  • Sew buttons on coffee press cozies

The studio needs some cleaning to happen so that it is stays a bit more organized. I do have some sewing to get done as time is getting ahead of me. I also have some fun things that I am wanting to work on.

I have been down with a cold this week so any creating has been to finish projects for orders. I am not moving very quickly and haven’t even felt like crocheting anything or sewing. I also seem to be putting off cleaning the studio. It is always in such a bad state these days. It seems when I am most creative the studio is the most disorganized. So I will be adding organizing to my to do list revised for next week.

What are you working hard at ignoring? Do you have anything that you procrastinate consistently.

Talk to you later,
