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Using My Fabric Stash item #2

I finally did it! I did some sewing. I actually sewed clothing. I never sew clothing but here it is. My Mother in Law had some incredible fabric stash. She sewed all of her life and after she became a Grandma she sewed incredible dresses for the girls. I am sure that this fabric was intended to become a beautiful hand smocked dress. The girls grew up too quickly and the stash was never used. . I know she was disappointed when the girls grew too big for the hand made treasures. I have quite of few of them saved back. I just couldn’t get rid of the beautiful hand made dress. The hours of work that she put into each dress is just overwhelming to think about. She poured out her love into these Sunday dresses for the girls.

Here is what I made. The instructions were weird and I would totally put it together another way. I think my middle school home ec teacher would give me a C on this project. It isn’t perfect but fits the bill.

fabric stash

I think it came out quite nice. There are things I would change about it but I am still pleased with results. It is a little too big which is so much easier to fix. Here are its humble beginnings.

fabric stash

Isn’t the fabric beautiful. I just love the blue and green floral design. It is a very lightweight cotton fabric. I love the fact that the fabric stash is getting so much smaller.

This is #2 out of 200 in the Use Your Stash Challenge- 2015. I am excited, things are getting finished and plans are being made for future items. I am a great procrastinator and I needed this little push to make me finish some things up. 200 items feels like a goal I will never meet. I keep reminding myself of all of the supplies I have stashed away in my studio under the eaves. I know I can come up with a bunch of small items. I just hope that they will be worth the time. If you are wondering what I am doing with trying to make 200 items out of my stash you can find the first blog post here.

It has been a busy week with our homeschool co-op, church and other obligations. Our youngest son is writing a blog and I am helping him with the little bit that I know. He is filming You-tube videos about building with legos. They are funny and quirky just like he is. They are g rated videos for kids and quirky enough for adults to enjoy. If you would like to watch his first couple of videos you can see them here: Send him a comment or two and let him know that you have stopped by. It is so encouraging to know that someone somewhere is reading what you write.

Talk to you later,



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My Use Your Stash Rules – 2015

Here it is the day the Use Your Stash Challenge officially starts. I have been thinking about the rules for this year. I have also talked them over with Hubs. I love his point of view. Here is what he said in a nutshell

  • This isn’t a contest
  • You can make this what you want and need
  • have fun
  • don’t stress about the rules
  • There are no Use Your Stash police checking to see if you follow the same rules as everyone else.
Use Your Stash Challenge

So here are my rules for the Use Your Stash Challenge. I hope that you come up with your own rules.

  1. Works in Progress count because they are stash and they are sitting around half done and taking up space.
  2. If I come up with a really cool idea but lack 1 essential element to finish it off perfectly. I will shop and buy that 1 thing. I will also document what I buy on the blog. Also if I get a custom order that needs supplies I will create that item.
  3. While I will show all the items I create, the good, the bad and the ugly, I might not count them all towards the final number.
  4. I will create 200 items this year for the challenge. I have about 50 items cut and awaiting sewing so it isn’t out of the question and these items do count toward the total.
  5. I will try to create 200 items 200 days.
Use Your Stash Challenge

I have stocked up on thread. I have found all my buttons. I have separated the scraps from the bigger pieces of fabric. I have signed up for a quilt class.  I have ideas since I have searched far and wide via pinterest and google. Here is the pinterest board that I have been pining ideas on since last year.  I also have a huge Crochet board and then also a sewing board.  I will start the board for us to pin our completed items on when I get my first item completed, feel free to contact me to be added to the board.

Join me in a this De-stashing challenge and clean out your space. Find the freedom of finishing up your Works in Progress! set your creativity free with this challenge that will force you to think in totally different directions. Limits force us to think outside the box and encourage us to use what we have or as our Grandma’s said

“Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do or Do without!”

Are we ready? Do you have tons of stash waiting the perfect project? Do you have a time frame in mind or an item list?

If you do then let’s get started!

talk to you after I get something created!



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Will you join me in the New and Improved Use The Stash Challenge?

It is almost Christmas. I have done a little bit of shopping. We have put up the Christmas tree and the Christmas stockings. I have just shipped all the orders so far. I have two crochet hats left to make for family and friends.I can’t tell you how stressed the holidays have been and at the same time super fun and exciting. When I spend the month of December buying things, I also start thinking about spending a month using up my stash of supplies. Are you ready for another Use the Stash Challenge?

Stars from the Use your Stash Challenge

I am  also thinking about next year and trying to decide if I am going to change things in my Etsy shop. This is always the time of year when I do that. I am considering some huge changes in how I do things. I have had more pulls on my time this year and those pulls are not going to go away. My supplies and scraps have been building up all year long and it is time to whip them back into shape or simply get rid of them. The Use The Stash Challenge helps me to clear out a ton of bits and pieces while pushing the envelope on my creativity.

Grey heart ornaments from the Use Your Stash Challenge

The one thing that I am going to do is to have another 100 things in 100 days or the Use Your Stash challenge. I am thinking about making it bigger in some way. I made so many different things during the challenge and I got out of my comfort zone. There are so many different things on Pinterest that I want to sew or make. You can see them all on 100 ideas-for-using-up-my-supplies/ pin board. So please let me know what you would like and would you join me?

I am off to crochet two more hats and to watch some tv while I get it all done.

Ninja turtle hats for a friend


I also have two Minion hats to crochet for some close friends, so I have plenty on my plate and two Dr Who scarves to crochet for the family!

Talk to you later,


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Week One of 100 Items in 100 days Challenge!

I have been working on my different 100 item projects and I think I am doing ok so far. I am worried that I will run out of ideas…not supplies… but ideas! I still have a ton of supplies but it feels good to take the before photos and after photos of different  little projects and see how much is actually being used.Here are some of them so far.

They looks so…so… FINISHED! Hooray! Stash used and finished up!

So I think that I am doing ok. I am finishing up little projects and bigger ones.

How are you doing? Are you getting a bunch done on cleaning out your supplies.  My sewing machine isn’t happy so I really haven’t been sewing much but I do have high hopes for my fabric stash.

Talk to you later,



If you are wondering what I am talking about here is the link to the original post!


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Use Your Stash #4 and #5


people are joining in!

Lou from has decided to join in. She changed the rules to fit her goals!

I grew up with this saying being repeated over and over during my childhood.

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.” 

It has had a huge impact on me as an adult. I do feel that it is wasteful to have so many crafting supplies and then to not use them. I find myself running out to buy a little bit of this or a little bit of that and I wondered if I could actually create 100 items over 100+ days without going to the store. So I started this challenge to use up my supplies. You can find  the original blog post here.

I have finished #4 and #5


#4 oatmeal colored scarf with brown edges

I completely used the oatmeal colored yarn. I almost finished the brown heather yarn. They were two complete skeins at the beginning.

2014-01-19 14.50.45 2014-01-19 14.50.59

#5 Shortened and Hemmed curtains for daughter’s bedroom.

2014-01-19 16.32.07


Sorry about the awful photo. The curtains look great and don’t drag on the floor.

How are you doing? What number are you working on?

Talk to you later,


My blog posts are running about a day behind what I am actually finishing up!
















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May Flowers

May flowers

Our May flowers are blooming in our yard! The roses and irises are in full bloom — the roses always bloom around the first of May and Mother’s day.  These roses (pictured below) are by our front porch, and the scent of them fills the air as you walk up the path. They really need to have some care but time has been scarce here.

May Flowers

May flowers - Roses Continue reading May Flowers

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Making New Habits

Flower Garden Scrap Afghan

Several good things have happened due to the Use Your Stash Challenges 2017, besides the obvious of using up stash yarn or finishing up projects. One of those things is it made me aware of several bad habits I have had. Had, because I am changing them and making new habits in my life.

Those pesky bad habits aren’t going to be comfortable anymore. Working to kick them out can be a struggle, but it is worth it when the new habit is one that I want to keep.

Struggling is what makes us grow. So, if there is a struggle in creating new habits then I can rest in the knowledge that I am doing the right thing.

Wait. Does that sound right? If it is hard, then are you doing the right thing?

The answer is Yes (most of the time).

Continue reading Making New Habits

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The Ombre Granny Stripe Baby Afghan

Ombre Granny Stripe Baby Afghan

This blanket has been a long-time coming. Making baby blankets for those soft little bundles of love is so much fun! It has been fun. I have several new baby blankets coming out soon which are quick and easy to make. My first project worthy of “giving” was a ripple baby blanket for a Sunday school teacher. She was expecting her first child and I picked out the yarn and spent nights crocheting it. Baby blankets are quick and less intimidating than full-size blankets.

The Ombre Granny Stripe Baby Afghan

This was so fun to make; I started it during the Use Your Stash Challenge 2017, so you have seen bits and pieces of it.

Continue reading The Ombre Granny Stripe Baby Afghan

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What I Learned and What I Finished

Today is the last day of the Use Your Stash Challenge 2017, and I’d like to share with you what I learned–and, of course, what I finished. Looking back at the 32 days of the challenge, I have to admit I thought I would use more yarn. I seem to have worked more on half-finished things rather than the huge yarn stash sitting in my studio.

So, the bad news is that I still have a large stash.

The good news is I’m no longer storing half-finished projects, nor letting them take up space in my mind or my storage bins.

To be honest, I feel like I have climbed Mount Everest. My creative juices are at an all time high! Yet, my crocheting muscles are tired. I haven’t crocheted at all today. I’m just really drained. Continue reading What I Learned and What I Finished