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Look for the Ducks

Yesterday was such a normal day. I always look for the ducks as I was driving to an early morning appointment.  Driving through our neighborhood is a bit of adventure between drivers that go too fast, tight curves and wandering wildlife. The ducks tend to walk around on the road from time to time. I have been having a rough couple of weeks with migraines and just not feeling good. Stress has been overwhelming the past several weeks.  I reverted back to a habit I have had for years when I am stressed, I was looking for beauty. Now ducks aren’t usually considered the most beautiful in the bird world, but these ducks always look peaceful swimming on their pond.

Look for the Ducks, ChocolateDogStudio, dealing with stress, getting out of your comfort zone


So, I was looking for beauty yesterday, as I get stressed driving in rush hour traffic. I was also looking for the ducks. There are ducks in a pond in a neighbor’s yard. The ducks always bring a smile as they go about being ducks in a pond. They do what ducks do, waddle, quack, swim and get in the road.

Yesterday, however I saw a duck doing something I have never seen before and I am sure I will never see again. There is a chain link fence surrounding this pond as it is in a neighborhood and ponds need fences to keep kids out of them. There was a duck standing on the top of the chain link fence. Just standing there. I fully expected to hear her quack “Aflack”. Mrs Mallard was standing there watching all the other ducks in the pond swimming around in a mass eating breakfast. I almost stopped to see if I could take a photo of her but I would have been late. I don’t know what made the duck decide to take the risk of standing on the top of the chain link fence. I do know that the duck seem extremely satisfied with attaining her goal. She was standing most carefully with her large orange webbed feet planted just so on top of that chain link fence.

She came to mind as I drove about my errands, met my Mom for her emergency visit for her eyes, talked with my husband on our date. I was able to share the fun of the duck on the fence with my Mom as she was stressed about her eye appointment. (It was good news.) It really made her laugh and decreased our stress immediately. I shared with my husband about the duck as we talked about our day. It also made him laugh.  There are several messages I found while pondering the duck on the fence all day.

Look for the Ducks, ChocolateDogStudio, dealing with stress, getting out of your comfort zone

  • Do not be afraid to get out of the water and do something different!
  • You can be a duck and still do something special!
  • Good things still happen when you are struggling. They are still there! Look for the ducks!

I may never see another duck on a chain link fence but I will never, ever forget this one!

Look for the Ducks, ChocolateDogStudio, dealing with stress, getting out of your comfort zone

Look for the Ducks, ChocolateDogStudio, dealing with stress, getting out of your comfort zone

Have you ever seen a duck perching on a fence or tree? Are you thinking about getting out of the water and doing something different?

Talk to you later,


P.S. The irises are from my front garden. I will be planting some other colors this week. I know it is the wrong time of year but I always forget to plant them at the right time of year.

Also these photos are not photos of the ducks at my neighbors. Also I am not a duck expert this might be a duck that actually does perch in trees!