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The Planked Ceiling

Here we are painting the planked ceiling in the kitchen! What a job planking the ceiling has turned out to be. ”

Plank the ceiling”! we said

“Great idea”

“How hard can it be?

You know when you have there three sentences in one paragraph combined with home improvement that you just really need to take a step back and slow way down. This has turned out to be a huge, massive project. I am sure that everyone else (family and friends) are now nodding their heads thinking “I told you so!”  We started the week before Christmas and we are almost to the point where we are ready to add trim!  Here are some photos of the project as we have had different check points in the project. Understand that we are not huge DIY’s. we are just ordinary people with average skills.

The Planked Ceiling, ChocolateDogStudio DIY

It started with changing out the lights in the kitchen. We changed from fluorescent to LED lights and have truly had a huge savings in our electric bill.

The Planked Ceiling, ChocolateDogStudio DIY

Starting the planking. At this point we are halfway through and we really like how it looks.

The Planked Ceiling, ChocolateDogStudio DIY

Looking in toward the kitchen. It looks nice and clean.

The Planked Ceiling, ChocolateDogStudio DIY

Starting the paint job.

Today we are finishing the paint job and then all that will be left is the trim. Which we will paint before we apply it.

The Planked Ceiling, ChocolateDogStudio DIY

It is waiting on the second coat but it looks really nice. I can’t wait for it to be finished. We have had massive help from our sons and then our daughter’s friend also helped tremendously. It has been a great bonding experience but it is one that we are ready to enjoy and not work on or think about!

Talk to you later,



2 thoughts on “The Planked Ceiling

  1. Hi Karen: Beautiful job. Love the paint color.

    1. Thanks Anne! It was hard work but so worth it!

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