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If Only…

What would you do IF the word IF didn’t exist?

If only… one of the most over used phrases in the English language.

If only….then I would finish that project

If only…I could dance.

If only….I could get a job.

If only…I could travel

IF only….then this would be different

If only….then I could do this…

If only…this hadn’t happened then I could

If only….then my world would be different.

I hate to tell you but the words If Only don’t really have any bearing on where you are going, doing or being. So what? Who cares about the “if Onlies” in life? The words “IF” “ONLY” are really used as excuses. Change the beginning of the sentence and get some action out of them.

I will finish that project

I will travel, I am starting to plan and save my pennies.

I will go and find a new or different job.

I am going to be a catalyst in my life and make some changes that need to be changed.

I will get past the yuck/bad/baggage in my history and move on.

My life will be different because I am going to try to change things in my life.

See what will happen for you if you take the words “If Only” out of your life!

Talk to you later,
