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Goal Setting?

I am a regular reader of I enjoy Crystal’s blogs and what she has to say. It is a like sitting down with a friend and sharing a cup of tea or coffee. She lists her goals for the week, usually every week. She has personal, family and business goals and completes most of them every week. Granted she has “those” weeks like all of us but I think that listing out the goals helps her keep her focus on what is important.

I used to set goals weekly but in the weeks post surgery I stopped setting them, publicly. Who wants to read that your goal is eat at the table with the family more often? :0)

So here are my goals for this week and we will see how we do.

Studio Goals

  1. sew 10 more bibs
  2. finish the new crochet blanket and get it photographed
  3. Finish the blue and green crochet blanket as well.

Family Goals

  1. Bake cookies for my college girl and her friends
  2. Bake a Un birthday cake for her

To Do

  1. Read one of the books on my Kindle (I have a bunch of  free down load books on it and I need to pick one and read it.)
  2. Dust my bedroom. (I prefer to create and not clean so dusting is not something that is on the top of my list.)
  3. Go to my first water aerobics tonight.

Well, that reads a little on the lame side but you have to start somewhere. We will put those goals in with the rest of life, laundry, love, cooking and see what happens.

Talk to you later,
