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I have been in the doldrums since Christmas and New Year’s day. I think I can blame it on too much rich food and excess. I have ordered new supplies and I have been trying to come up with new ideas and new directions. I organized all of my yarn this past weekend. Well, I got it all out and stacked it on the coffee table and the couch. I had forgotten how much I owned, or rather owned me. I have taken to calling the couch Yarntopia in an effort to add some humor to the situation. Monday, I sat around on Pinterest trying to find good patterns. Tuesday, I sat around looking at trends and colors for the the coming year, Wednesday, I shoved the yarn from one side of the couch to the other. I do try to keep it under control as the family had begun to complain about it being in the way. Thursday I ignored it completely. I had photography lessons, did some sewing and laundry. This morning, I finally sat down and came up with some working plans to use up some of the yarn I currently own. Unfortunately it is going to require going out and purchasing more! Hmmm, I just put in three orders for yarn and none of what I have ordered will work in the new plans. I have at this point in time five crochet blankets started and four more planned. I am also working on some other crochet items, I am just not sure if they are going to make it to the store. So we will see! Too much to do and not enough time. Well, our schedule will settle down and get back to normal next week. Hopefully, I will get lots of stitching done then.

See you later,
