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5 Years!

Chocolate Dog Studio has now been open for five years! It has been a wonderful, exciting, stretching time. I have made many good friends through ChocolateDogStudio and sold many items. The shop has gone from one sale in 2008 to 1369 in 2013. It is time for me to thank the people that have made Chocolate Dog Studio what it is today. So this weekend I am offering Free Shipping on all orders $20 and over, even to the EU! Just use this coupon code 5yrsale  when you  check out. There are no limits to how many times you can use it this weekend.  I am excited with the new direction that the studio is taking and can’t wait for the next years to fly by!

Here are a few of the items I have sold over the years…

5 Years!

A knit and crochet shawl, some gift tags

5 Years!

A set of magnetic clothespins,

5 Years!5 Years!

A knit child’s purse and a crochet blanket…

5 Years!

Thanks so much for your support! I could not have done this without the support and patience of my family and friends.

Karen Stewart