Where can I find Stylecraft Special DK in the U.S.
If you are wondering where to find Stylecraft Special DK in the United States. While it is readily available in the UK from various shops, it is only available via the internet in the U.S. I do not receive any money, store credit, yarn credit, discounts, advertising or in any way benefit from any of these yarn shops. I do sell patterns via Loveknitting.com. I have not shopped at all of them. I do not vouch for their business practices or procedures. This is simply a list for your benefit.
Why do I use Stylecraft Special DK yarns
The 80+ colors that I can choose from when designing a crochet blanket. The colors appear brighter and more cheerful than many of the U.S. yarns. The yarns are lighter weight so the afghans weigh less when they are finished. The gauge is smaller which makes it easier for my hands to use. The afghans I crochet won’t look like all the others in the U.S since the yarns are slightly harder to find. Now I have a huge stash and it is easier to simply use one brand of yarn most of the time.
Why do I use mostly Acrylic yarns
Cost- acrylic yarns are around 1/2 the cost of wool yarns. We live in Oklahoma and hardly anyone uses wool. My daughter is allergic to wool. Feel free to experiment and use wool, cotton or acrylic for any of Chocolate Dog Studio’s patterns. Remember that changes in gauge and weight will affect the finished size of any pattern.