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A New Challenge

I have been tinkering around with the idea of a new Challenge! Here are the ideas I have had so far.

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  • crochet a square a day
  • creating more things from the supplies on hand
  • Christmas gift ideas 30 gift ideas in 30 days
  • 1 new item a day
  • Cleaning something in the house once a day
  • cleaning, organizing and decorating the studio… (ha, who am I kidding.)
  • Create a new pattern a week?
  • 100 new items for the shops in 100 days? With a little twist that I can use new bought supplies?
  • A Pinterest board challenge pick 30 items off my boards and try to create them myself?
  • 2014-05-31 15.10.13

Can you think of any I have missed? What would you do?

Talk to you later,



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These days my heart calls out for color. Bright vibrant colors speak volumes to me and these three were at the top of my list. I bought more but these are like Mary Poppins. Practically perfect in nearly ever way! I have a new product heading to the shop and I think you will like them. Yes, I have more than one for the shop! Yes, I am so excited about it.2014-06-06 09.59.17


The house has been really quiet this week as our high energy kid is at camp this week. She is the one that keeps us talking and busy. She is fun and exciting and makes life that way too! While quiet is nice and allows me to think in complete sentences, I miss her. I miss her chatter and vibrant personality. Thankfully, she comes home tomorrow. I need to go and sew some more as the photographer promised to take some pictures for me tomorrow.

Talk to you later,



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Did you realize that discouragement can be a valuable tool for your business? It forces you to do three things, look inward, look outward, and make decisions. Today I am discouraged. It has been a long week of work and family. Somethings have been great and other things not so great. I have prototyped many several about 12 new items and very, very few have worked out. I have had a great time with my family. This is awesome. So, why am I discouraged.

This is the looking in part.

I am tired and not just tired but weary. We are still recovering from that bad cold. I have put in 2 – 8 hour days at the sewing machine. My house is messy, because I have put in 2 – 8 hour days sewing (funny how it works like that). I have stretched my thinking and planning by being creative and trying new things. I have failed, gotten up and failed again!

  1. Tired
  2. Messy House
  3. Failed creatively

Here is the looking outward part!

I haven’t left the house in several days. I keep comparing myself and my business to other people and their businesses. Blogging has been really, incredibly hard the past week or so.

  1. Not left the house
  2. Comparing self to others
  3. Comparing business to others
  4. Writing is hard.

Here is the decision making time.

I am tired and I haven’t left the house in several days.  This is simple to fix as I need to make a supply run and run some errands.Comparison is a horrible thing, not fair to myself, not fair to others. It completely sells everyone short. So the only comparison I should do is to see how far I have really come. So, I need to track the business and see if it is growing, stagnant, or failing. The writing part will come easier when I get out and about. Feeding the creative juices is critical and rest is a part of that. I will take Friday off and have fun with a close friend. I really feel much better except for the tired part. I think I can beat that with an early bedtime and some much needed rest. The failing part on making the prototypes is simply to go back and make things that I know how to make!×10

Talk to you later,


P.S. You will notice that not much was said about the messy house. I will take care of that in small bits and pieces of time, which makes it easier to swallow.

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Looking Back…

I wrote this about a month ago. Believe it or not everything that I was worried about has been handled. All of the things that I thought were worthy of worry are now solved, resolved or handled. Shall I share the outcome of each of these worries.

I am starting to push the panic button. In the next month we have a ton of things happening.

  • The college girl comes home with all of her belongings  She is home and everything is great!
  • Sr. recognition Sunday at church for our graduating senior Done and over!
  • High school graduation for our youngest son Graduated!
  • Our 26th wedding anniversary Celebrated and wonderful!
  • Memorial Day, a day which we now try to put flowers and remember those who have passed away and those who have served in the military. Done
  • I need to get a child ready for camp
  • send her to camp
  • I have two kids needing to find summer jobs They both found jobs on their own without my interference!
  • feeding all of the people that will be here this summer I have two extra cooks and meals are getting accomplished daily!
  • find out about my foot in the boot and what needs to be done. The boot is gone. I am mobile and taking up the rhythms of life again!

I guess I am discouraged by the busyness of life. I need to take time to remember that these busy times are sweet family time. We will once again all gather around the table and share stories, insights and food. It seems that my family places importance on food as it gathers us all together.

Yes, we do place importance on food as it is hard to get all of us together at any other time.

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I hope you and your family find some sweet family time this summer!

Talk to you later,


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WIPS or works in progress have been stacking up at the sewing table. The good news about that is that cleaning has brought a bunch of partially finished projects to light. Here are a few that I have been working on lately.

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There are several many crochet projects in a partially finished state. I tend to work more on inspiration when it comes to the yarny projects. So, yes there are many half done. IMG_4025

Like this one. I am going to take it to the DMV  while I wait for the driver’s license testing to be over. I hope things go well. I also hope that we don’t wait long for his turn to take the test.

See you later,


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Patriotic Bunting

I’ve tried and tried not to get pulled into the bunting craze but last week I just couldn’t help myself. Here are two sets of lovely red, white and blue bunting!


This set is little pennants in red, white and blue. Perfect for all those patriotic holidays and Christmas too!

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Here are the beautiful red, white and blue stars garland. I think they would look equally good in a little boy’s bedroom as they would on a Christmas tree or your dining room for the Fourth of July! You can find both of these in the studio.

Talk to you later,


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Introducing: The Blanket Club

Introducing the Blanket Club:

There are a select few out there in the world today: lovely people that own more than one ChocolateDogStudio crochet blankets. When you own more than one you get the benefits of being a member of the Blanket Club! Members of the Blanket Club have purchased these lovely blankets from the shop over the years.

Blanket Club membership grants you a discount good every day of the year!

Talk to you later,


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Infinity Scarves

I have been spending my time productively the past few weeks. Saturday our son came over and took some really good photographs for me. He does such a great job and I really appreciate it. I can’t wait to get these into the ChocolateDogStudio shop but I will take my time and list a few a day. It really stretches my mind to come up with flowery, enthusiastic, descriptive phrases. I am really only good for listing one or two things at a time.

IMG_3909 IMG_3904 IMG_3898 IMG_3892-001I really enjoyed crocheting this pattern, it is fun. I love how these scarves turned out. They are stretchy and lacy at the same time. A lovely accessory for those that tend to get too warm with a traditional infinity scarf. Even though, I have stopped the Use your stash challenge, I found that these scarves are great stash busters!

I found the pattern here if you want to make your own.

It is an easy pattern and great for beginners. Jen does a great job with step by step photos, walking you through the pattern bit by bit.

talk to you later,


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Cottage Charm

Here are some little cottages that I made several years ago. These are just for fun as I have so much to do today. These cottages are hand sized Christmas ornaments. I haven’t put the hanging ribbon on them yet. There are some things that I would change but overall I like them. I would call these prototypes.IMG_0126-002 IMG_0127-002 IMG_0128-002

I am thinking about adding some like them to the shop, but I’m not sure. What do you think?

Talk to you later,



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Scraps into Diamonds

If you follow me on facebook or instagram. You have been seeing these photos.

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I spent a day combing through my scraps and cutting out diamond shapes.

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It was an easy thing to do and still feel like I was accomplishing something. I cut out tons and then I put them together to get these neat little stars.

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I’m so proud of the points matching in these two stars. I think I have finally figured it out.

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See  the perfect points in the middle! Can you guess what I am making in the studio these days? I have some others finished and waiting on some photos but it is too dark today. We are finally getting some rain so I am not complaining. I hope that it cuts down on the wildfires that we have had. There have been some huge wildfires in Oklahoma and many people have lost everything. So, our area has been under a red flag, which means no fire pits, no cook outs, no burning of any kind.

If you want to follow me on instagram (I am new there) you can find me with this user name: Chocodogstudio

You can also follow me on Facebook here:

There is too much to do today. We are in the midst of printing out 300 graduation programs and are running low on toner. One of the nice things about having your child in public or private school as there are details that you really do not have to deal with, like printing graduation programs!

I will talk to you later!
