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Being Boss

  • Sometimes being self motivated and your own boss is an issue. This week I am doing a good job of being boss. I feel the craft show looming down on me. I am so worried that I won’t have enough stock that I feel like I am working overtime. Taking time off to play or be social is truly hard for me, so I tend to work all the time. Then I face burn out.

If I look at my work as play then my attitude is much better. So, this week while playing. I finished up these colorful and fun hats. I love them.

Being Boss

I sent my daughter in to yarntopolis (my yarn storage) to pick another color for the same style hat and she picked light blue. They are so much fun to crochet. The colors change all of the time and that makes it quick work. I have also been busy hand sewing the  tags on a bunch of the crocheted items.

Today, I am cleaning in the makerspace and getting the next round of sewing organized. I am waiting on some supplies but I will sew pot holders and coffee press cozies today. I also need to do cut capes out so I can get them sewn. All this planning is overwhelming but I am using my Kanban board as a reminder of what needs to be done, what is in process and what remains.

Talk to you later,


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Crochet Service Projects

Crochet Service projects are a great way to help others and it is the season to think of others. If you are unable to get out, you crochet or knit then there are many things you make to help others.

Here is my list, it isn’t everything that is out there in the crochet or knitting universe but it will get you started.

You can also check the Crochet Guild of America for their list of crochet for charity.

Crochet Service Projects

If these don’t have a chapter or donation center in your area, I am sure that there are local charities that will be glad for you to help. The local homeless shelters will be happy to accept scarves and hats for their donations. Women’s shelters will often accept donations of slippers, hats, and blankets. Local hospitals may accept premie hats, and blankets. You do need to be sure and contact them before you start. They may have rules on what they can accept or the type of yarns used. Our local women’s shelter will only accept donations of blankets if they have enough for everyone currently in the shelter. Be wise and make sure that they can actually use what you are wanting to create.

Crochet Service Projects

There are so many different ways that your stitching can warm and comfort others. Don’t get discouraged thinking that you can’t help others. Blankets and yarn items have been used for comfort for years. Keep up the good work!

Talk to you later,



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The Sampler Blanket

I made time to block the sampler blanket this week. If you are following me on Instagram you will notice that I have also started putting a border around each square.  Here are some befores and afters of the blocking process. If you have never steam blocked acrylic yarns you really should try it. It does a great job of heat setting nice straight edges and giving the granny squares their final shape.

The sample blanket


They sure look all wadded and out of shape. I started blocking them on my ironing board a few at a time.

The sampler blanketThey started looking so much better. I don’t always block my granny squares but these desperately needed it. The sampler blanketI used a ton of pins and my steam iron. I was really careful not to touch the iron to the yarns as it would melt. the squares all turned out to be about five different sizes when I was finished blocking them. Which was a nice surprise. The sampler blanketThis was going to be one creamy sampler blanket with no other colors but I just couldn’t leave it alone. Here is one with the borders that I am putting on each square. It will be much easier if I end up with squares that are all about the same size.The Sampler Blanket


Talk to you later,







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July’s to do list

I am already writing July’s to do list. Yay, it is the first week of July and I am on a roll, actually I am on the couch resting my knee as it is not happy with me today.

I have hit a wall on being creative these days. I am tired and grumpy a lot of the time. I hate taking pain meds as they tend to drug me up. I have been up since early today and it has taken quite a bit of energy. I have spent  huge amounts of time on Pinterest yesterday and today but I am not inspired to do much. So this to do list may be shorter than normal.

Here is what I have been working on and what I hope to finish this month.

My organization to do list. We have accomplished more than is shown on this photo. It is a much shorter list now.

July's to do list


My sampler blanket

July's to do list


I hope to finish about twelve to 20 crochet hats. I want some to look like these but I also have some new designs running around in my mind.

I am also wanting to finish my quilt before I have surgery.  It is at this stage right now. July's to do list

I have quite a bit of quilting left but if I work hard on it a couple of mornings I might get it finished. I have several patterns that I want to write. There is this granny square blanket pattern that I want to write. That is a ton of work for the next two weeks in July. We are still in the middle of changing around our den to a maker space.

Talk to you later,





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Sampler blanket / Makerspace

This week I have been working on the sampler blanket / makerspace. While cleaning up the yarn mess to create the makerspace, I came across these blocks I started from my Sampler blanket. I haven’t really forgotten them. There has just been a huge amount of other stuff that I have had to work on. I am blocking them today and I have to admit that they are beautiful!

Sampler blanket / Makerspace

I thought that they would be ok, but they were so wonky that I  needed to block them. I block on my ironing board and use my steam iron. I am sure to never touch the iron to the acrylic yarn. This sampler blanket is reminding me of doilies. I love the taupe carpet color behind these squares. It makes the sampler blanket look so clean and lacy.

Sampler blanket / MakerspaceBefore blocking….

After blocking they are a much more uniform size and the edges are straighter. This will make joining a much simpler job.

Sampler blanket / Makerspace

We are creating a makerspace. What is a makerspace you ask?  well, it is a space where you can make stuff. We have a spare room right now that was our den but as hubs needed a bigger workspace and I needed a brighter workspace, we are creating a makerspace. We both love creating but not the same things. This space will be an area where we can be together but working on different things. He is into electronics, engineering, gizmos, gadgets and 3-d printers. I am into sewing, yarn, painting and artsy craftsy stuff. So we are moving furniture around, sending some off with grown kids as they move on in their lives and getting rid of others. We no longer need a huge room for 8-10 people to watch movies or play video games. We do need a place where we can all gather and make cool stuff.  Our kids are rather techie/creative types, one a programmer, one a mechanical engineer, one a digital design artist (studying), and one into sewing,  So we really do need a space where they can all create!

It will contain:

  • a largish table for group work  or cutting
  • 4 chairs for the table
  • 3 -4 sewing work spaces
  • Storage for yarn, fabric and other soft stuff
  • Tool storage on wheels
  • 4 roller secretarial type chairs
  • Mats for the roller chairs
  • a cell phone docking station for all the phones
  • wifi access
  • several outlets
  • a 3-d printer
  •  a fire alarm/smoke alarm/co2 detector
  • lots of counter space
  • a couch or some comfy chairs for people to hang out in
  • good lighting
  • all with a industrial type- 50s era style (this is subject to change)

I think we can put together a reputable space without spending too much money.  We will use what we have until we are sure that working together in one room is actually going to work out! Here are some links to different maker spaces that I found.


We have also set some ground rules, of what can be done in the makerspace. One of the prime rules in our makerspace is no woodworking or spray painting. These both have the potential to damage the machinery in the room.

I will be updating soon with photos of the Sampler blanket / Makerspace.  I hope to include some photos of the creation of the makerspace as we ordered some chairs for the space. I am so excited to see how they look. We almost never buy new things. Our budget and family has prefered the upcycled, recycled, used furniture look. We haven’t bought new furniture in quite a while.

Talk to you later,



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Use Your Stash Challenge…14 – 17

I know that you are probably wondering where I am in the Use Your Stash Challenge! Have I been hiding, or have I simply forgotten about the Use Your Stash Challenge 2015! The truth is neither, I have been hard at work on this challenge. Here are some new things that I have made using supplies that I already had on hand.

This giraffe is number 14

Use Your Stash Challenge


His friend is number 15.

Use Your Stash Challenge

This is number 16.

Use Your Stash Challenge

This baby blanket is number 17.

Use Your Stash Challenge

So, I have been working on it but the items are more complex and take more time! It is great as they also use up more supplies! This is the last post I made in the challenge.

I have started a couple of new blankets but it is taking longer than I expected to get them finished.

Use Your Stash Challenge Use Your Stash Challenge


I have been looking at some ideas that will use up more of my fabric stash. The Use Your Stash Challenge is making me think about what I can do to use up what I already have. I feel a bit guilty as I bought some yarn yesterday in order to work on a new crochet blanket idea.  I gave myself permission to buy if needed. The purchase is within the rules I set.

Here are some cool ideas I found on Pinterest.

This i

Use Your Stash Challenge

This is a brilliant idea and while I found it on Pinterest I am not pirating any one else’s idea. I can use my scrap binding on anything I want!

This is also a brilliant idea. I would add hook and loop tape to the back since we have carpet on our floors.

These are wonderful. I used google translate and the meaning is never quite right but I think the photos are enough direction to be able to make these scissor keepers.

This pot handle pocket is along the same line and just as simple.


Use Your Stash Challenge


These bunnies are so cute and a perfect Spring time sewing project.



Just a few ideas to get your creativity flowing! Winter will soon be over in my part of the country. Well, at least it will be in the 70 degree range next week. We do have ice and some snow forecast for this week. We still have snow in the yard from this weekend.

Talk to you later,


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4 crochet blocks a week: Week 7

Here is the next installment of 4 blocks a week. These 4 blocks a week are giving me fits as time seems to grow ever shorter. I seem to have more things to make than I have time to make them. I have so much to do and I have been incapacitated lately. Which means that I have been getting exactly nothing done.

4 crochet blocks a week


This was a fun square within a square pattern. I like the diamond shape in the middle.

4 crochet blocks a week

This on is a fun mitered square. It has no holes which would make it a good blanket square.

4 crochet blocks a week

This square reminds me of butterflies.

4 crochet blocks a week

Here is a compilation of all of the squares so you can see them all together.

I think this is all of them. I may have left a few of the easier ones off. I have bought a new book for a few new squares and I will get started with it this week for next weeks blocks.

I am also behind on the Use Your Stash Challenge. It has been hard to sew with a bad back. So, I babied my back the last two weeks and I think I am getting better. At least today I woke up feeling good! Yay, progress!!

Talk to you later,


You can find the previous weeks squares here:

Week 6

Week 5

Week 4

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1





I have been behind on posting these squares.  I hurt my back and it kept me off the computer.   I am also behind on the Use Your Stash Challenge. It has been hard to sew with a bad back. So, I babied my back the last two weeks and I think I am getting better. At least today I woke up feeling good! Yay, progress!!

Talk to you later,


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2 Crochet Baby Blankets

I seem to be on a roll these days crocheting baby blankets. I started this blue and white one before Christmas and then moved on to this grey one. They are both beautiful but I have to admit that I prefer the blue and white one. I have no idea why, well, it might be because I was using a new pattern with the grey one and had to frog it back 9 rows a couple of times.

2 Crochet Baby Blankets 2 Crochet Baby Blankets 2 Crochet Baby Blankets 2 Crochet Baby Blankets

I do like the almost houndstooth print of the this grey blanket. I also like that it could work with either a boy baby or a girl baby. This makes it a perfect gift for someone that doesn’t know which gender they are having.  They are both crocheted out of soft acrylic yarn and will wash well. You will be able to find them at ChocolatesBabyShop on Friday of this week!

These are also crocheted out of my stash and will make items 16 and 17 for the Use Your Stash Challenge. So I did make progress last week and things are marching on with the challenge. I also spent some time carefully cutting out some quilt projects. I was being careful of my back so I didn’t get much sewing done but I am working on other projects.

I started a new baby blanket yesterday and I have made good progress. I hope to get it finished this week as well. It is in shades of purple. If you are following me on Instagram you have seen that it looks like this.

2 Crochet Baby Blankets

The colors are a bit off as I took this photo with my cell phone after dark. Which really changes how the colors look.

Talk to you later,


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4 Blocks a Week – Week 6

I just flat out missed posting my blocks last week. I had too much to do and too little time. I am almost at that point again. Here I go trying to get back on track.

4 blocks a week- Week 6

I am concentrating on tiny squares this week. They are so sweet.

4 blocks a week- Week 6

This rosette is just so cute. I bet it would make a beautiful baby blanket!

4 blocks a week- Week 6

This one is quite a bit larger than the others but the flower in the middle is just sweet.

4 blocks a week- Week 6


I need to run and I will talk to you later,



You can see the last set of four blocks here:

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Use Your Stash Challenge-2015 Numbers 8-13

It has been a really busy week, I have been working on the Use Your Stash Challenge-2015! I have gotten several projects done and I might even be out of the single digits.

#8 I have finished this scarf/shawl combo.Use Your Stash Challenge-2015#9 I made four of these for a friend. Since they used stash yarns I am counting them as one item.

Use Your Stash Challenge-2015

#10 This crib springs recycle to wall storage. I know it looks half finished but it is ready to hang and painted bronze.

Use Your Stash Challenge-2015#11 I finished this baby blanket. Use Your Stash Challenge-2015#12 I also sewed up about 20 cup cozies but I am only counting them as one. I have tons to sew that are already cut out. I am going to call a group of 20 cup cozies as one item for the challenge. I will get them all sewn that way and I won’t have them sitting around as WIPS. Here they are at the half way point.

Use Your Stash Challenge-2015

#13 I also sewed some child sized reversible superhero capes. These two are blue and silver. I have a ton more to sew and it is just a matter of time to sew and the willpower to see it through.

2015-01-19 16.48.22


This is what is next on my list of things to do.

  •  Baby bibs: 6 done, 2 in the photo and 1 in the mail and 3 others.

Use Your Stash Challenge-2015 Numbers 4-10

  •  Baby blankets ready to iron and do the top stitching: 3 sewn and complete, 1 left

Use Your Stash Challenge-2015 Numbers 4-10

  •  Finish quilting the striped quilt!
  •  Put the binding on the stripe quilt
  •  Cut out and sew  more super hero capes
  •  Sew cup cozies that take red thread
  •  Deconstruct some jeans so they are ready for cutting.
  •  Pack some orders
  • Clean the studio

I have some fun things planned this weekend and the weather is promising to be rainy. This is good, it will encourage me to get some serious sewing done. I have so much to do. I will need to get some more navy thread, but I can sew with other colors until I get a chance to pick some up.

This year the Use Your Stash Challenge seems to be more about finishing what I have started. I like it. It is encouraging me to actually complete some things that have been hanging around for ages. I hope I can keep up the momentum and my mojo for getting things done.  I have some custom orders that are in different stages of waiting so I must get back to work.

Talk to you later,
