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Un-complicate Your Crafty Business Life

Yes, it is something that I have been trying to do this summer. I have felt overloaded for years, home schooling the kids, running the house, running a home business, being taxi driver for the kids. I am sure that your life is just as equally busy. I ran across this blog post and decided that I can come up with a list of  ways to un-complicate my crafty/Etsy life.


Here are the 11 things to un-complicate your life adapted and changed to apply to your crafty/Etsy life.

Learn from the past, and then get the heck out of there!

Learn from your mistakes and then MOVE on. Remove items from your shop that cause less than positive feedback or gives you excessive stress to create it. I am no longer going to carry these egg cozies!


Focus on what’s truly important

Why do you create? Is it a good reason? Do you really need to be able to do this? My big thing that I don’t do is fancy  decorated cakes. Everyone assumes that since I am a creative person that I can decorate cakes and make them really cool. NOPE…I do not do cakes. I also do not do rubber stamping, yes, I have tried and NO I prefer not to rubber stamp. I am never pleased with the result.

Focus on being productive, not being busy

Time in the studio for me is precious. I want to be able to get things done when I am actually having time to sew. It is easier to be productive if I keep a running list of what needs to be done. I also will spend time cutting out a bunch of bibs or cozies one day so that I can sew a bunch when I get the chance. I sew all of the items that take the same color thread at one time. That way I don’t change thread color all day long.

Give what you want to receive.

If you would not want to receive some product of  yours as a gift then do not sell it, except as de-stash! If you want happy customers than make them happy. Give refunds when you need to.

Stop trying to be everything to everyone.

You need to make what you are best at creating. Create what makes you happy and causes you joy. If you are selling something that is more hassle than it is worth, stop creating it! Do not accept custom orders to create items that you don’t have the skills or time to make. Evaluate each custom order request; do you have the time, energy, desire, does it take skills you don’t have?

These give me the most joy!


Do what you know in your heart is right.

Price your product so that you make profit not sales! You do not want to be the Dollar mart of the arts and crafts world. Sell quality handmade work for a fair price. You are an expert, you do have experience, charge a reasonable amount for the work you do. Everyone comes out better in the end. Along the same line of thought; if you are run off your feet from sales and don’t have enough profit; you might need to raise prices a bit to slow down the sales.

Organize your space.

Keeping your supplies orderly will save you time, money and heartache. Knowing where your products and shipping supplies are, make it easier to ship your product. If you have to stop and find scissors every time you need to pack a box then you are adding frustration to your day.

Be efficient.

Learn new ways of doing things. Research how to be better at your business, follow trends, customer requests. Order your supplies wholesale instead of from the neighborhood crafts store. You spend less time in the car, you don’t pay sales tax and you don’t over buy.

You need to have a routine. It makes it easier to find time to do the little things that need doing.  Plan to spend times developing new ideas, cleaning, paperwork, new products, restocking your shop, creating old favorites or just thinking about making new things.

Let go of needless drama and those who create it.

Do your best that you can do at the time and let go of any sales drama that comes your way.

Forget what everyone else thinks and wants for you.

People have told me for years to open another online shop front so that I have one kind of product in each shop. I know my limits. I only have time to promote, stock and keep up with one shop.

What would you add to this list?


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Start Where You Are!

This is my theme for this year. I really don’t have a better way of saying it than this. No matter what you are trying to do. You can get some part of it done! Is it organizing? Then use the boxes your food comes in or roll newspapers and make newspaper baskets. You don’t have to wait to go to the store to get all pinteresty on it. YOU don’t have to have a beautiful pantry. IF it is organized for you and you can find what you want then it is beautiful. Do you need a new planner? Then print one down off the internet and get on with life. Are you wanting to start crocheting a granny square blanket but think it is going to take too long? It surely won’t take 20 years which is how long I have been working on the cross stitch from the post before this one. Just start. NIKE: just do it. Life is too short to wait for the perfect moment or when you have lost enough weight for family photos or a beach vacation! DO it anyway….unless you have debt and it means putting it all on the credit card and Dave Ramsey has your phone number. Then by all means wait until the right time and when you actually have money to do it, But plan it and start saving. There is never going to be a more perfect time to tell someone you love them or write that letter or finish that project. Do not put things off that are important to you. Learn to speak another language, knit, or paint if you have always wanted to know how. Don’t wait, life is too short!

What have you been waiting to do?



P.s. I featured the pillow cover above from Casa and Co. You can find the Etsy shop here:

I have never bought from their shop nor are they paying me for this feature.

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My Grandma’s Quilts

My Grandma or Granny (Bethel) as we grand kids called her created quilts out of necessity. She had a large family and needed blankets. She was a part of a quilting group in her small town. I believe most of her quilts date from the 1940’s. Her quilts were made from the better parts of used clothing and some were quilts within a quilt in order to make use of all available materials. I believe that all of these quilts were sewn completely by hand. I know that they were quilted by hand. Having four kids myself, I am pretty sure that some of these were made in order to have something finished that she could look at everyday. Somehow that is important in the daily grind of dishes, meals, laundry and keeping a family running.


Should any of my family read this and want to add any information or if any information is wrong please send me an e-mail and I will fix it. She made many, many quilts and they were scattered among the 7 kids when she passed away so these are only the few that I was able to photograph.

Quilting was also a  chance for women to get out and see other women. These were often qulited as a group and offered a reason for the women to get out and socialize. It helped to build the community and fostered the friendships that women need. I am pretty sure that we need gatherings like this again. I am hearing about knitting groups and sewing groups and churches that have quilting groups. There are quilting guilds and sewing retreats and so women are reaching out again to build friendships.

Well, these are a just a few. I have others to share on another day.
