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Today: Feb. 3, 2014

Today has certainly been very odd. Hubs was home for part of the day and then left for work halfway through the day. So it has felt off balance all day. We were out of bread, so lunch was a rather yummy potato soup made from hash browns, left over ham bone broth, ham pieces and home made biscuits.

Anyway all of this to say that I got a huge long three hour nap in the middle of the day. I got my next crochet blanket figured out down to the number of squares per color! We now have homemade bread and I have no idea what we are eating for dinner! Woohoo, it seems I am on a roll! Well, not really, but the blanket though is a beauty and seems to just roll of the crochet hooks. The colors are incredible. I am not going to give any sneak peaks this time until it is finished all 248 little 4″ squares! I think it would give it all away.

I have been working on a new pattern for fingerless gloves and after three pairs I am about ready to kick that into production. The pattern is simple and there is no sewing involved.



It is a version somewhere between the red ones above and the grey ones below!

2014-02-02 14.52.04


So that is what I have been working on. OH, the sewing machine part came in and I have been working away on #10 The quilt. I hope to be finished with it soon as well. I feel a bit like Einstein to be able to diagnose and order the correct part for my machine!

Talk to you later,



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#11, #12

Confession time

The quilt is quietly killing me. Well, not very quietly, I must admit that there is a certain amount of huffing and puffing as I haul that quilt around, between and through the sewing machine. If you add in the fact that my sewing machine isn’t quite happy to be sewing right now, then you can guess what I am going to say next. After fussing about it to myself anyone who will listen, I moved on to crocheting, and modge podging. Something that will actually allow me to complete a project. These photos are just quickie phone photos but they get the job done.

I found this pattern here and it is wonderful.

I also decoupaged some tea boxes with fabric as I was needing some drawer organizers.

2014-01-29 17.01.39


Here they are drying.


Talk to you later, My FIL just arrived for lunch!


p.s. I am in deep trouble. My father in law brought four more tubs of fabric from my mother in law’s stash. oh wow. He said I could make 100 more items…!

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#8 and #9 of the 100 items in 100 days!

Here are #8 and #9 in the 100 items in 100 days!

I’m including the photos of the beginning of the project and then the finished product! Some I list in my shop and some I am using at home!



This is a great cowl. Large enough to pull over your head if you need to but small enough not to be in the way! The buttons are handmade ceramic buttons. The yarn is dark charcoal grey and goes with anything.


2014-01-24 10.35.45Here was the humble beginning of #9 a Head band with interchangeable flowers.


Whew, this Challenge is a challenge but I am wading through it and I hope to get through #20 by this time next week. My sewing machine is acting up so I haven’t really been sewing much, but I am going to try.

Talk to you later,




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Week One of 100 Items in 100 days Challenge!

I have been working on my different 100 item projects and I think I am doing ok so far. I am worried that I will run out of ideas…not supplies… but ideas! I still have a ton of supplies but it feels good to take the before photos and after photos of different  little projects and see how much is actually being used.Here are some of them so far.

They looks so…so… FINISHED! Hooray! Stash used and finished up!

So I think that I am doing ok. I am finishing up little projects and bigger ones.

How are you doing? Are you getting a bunch done on cleaning out your supplies.  My sewing machine isn’t happy so I really haven’t been sewing much but I do have high hopes for my fabric stash.

Talk to you later,



If you are wondering what I am talking about here is the link to the original post!


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Use Your Stash Challenge #6,

Here are numbers 6, 7,  and 8!

2014-01-20 13.10.36


I love this purse. It has such a clean classic look to it! I had everything I needed to make this from my stash including the lining and the snap closure.

2014-01-19 11.27.22 2014-01-20 11.55.46


There is the tiny smidge of yarn I used to create the rose leaves!

Talk to you later,


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Way back when…

IMG_0985-1 IMG_0986 IMG_0987 IMG_1049-002 IMG_1050-1


I made these both in the 70s when I was a girl.Just a glimpse into the past. The granny square blanket I made for my Mom and the stripe I made for my Dad for Christmas. The stripe was my first original pattern and I did pretty good for a young teenager. I am trying to come up with some new patterns for the shop this week and it is a struggle.

Talk to you later,


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JackZen Hemp

I found the coolest hemp bracelets on Etsy today. There are so many different colors and styles to choose from.

This shop is owned and run by Ashley Jackson. She lives in Milwaukee WI. She makes beautiful bracelets and there are so many different colors and styles to choose from.

Ashley is a single mom making ends meet. Drop by and say hi! You can find Ashley on Etsy here:

Thanks for stopping by today,

See you later,


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Looking Forward!

A new year is here and staring me in the face.  I can’t get away from the fact that another year is starting, with it comes all of the hope of a new start. So as I get out the new calendar there are things I want to improve or change.

I have two Jon Acuff books that I want to read. They won’t take long and will inspire me toward more change. I also have several Beth Moore books that I want to read as well.

I have a some crafty things that I want to make for my house.

There are some home improvement projects that are “needing” to be done and some that NEED to be done.

I have a ton of crochet patterns that I want to write.

Blogging that is crying out to me.

A boy to graduate from high school and send off to college, which will put us down to one child at home.

College applications to send.

A house to clean, and dogs to care for.×10-pattern-inspirational-quote-print

Friends and family to spend time with and two quilts to sew.

Some college kids to feed and listen to while they are here for Spring break and Thanksgiving.×10-a-friend-loves-at-all-times

A garden I want to plant, sow, harvest, can and eat from.

Some computer skills that need to be learned.

Some bills to pay off.

2 sets of braces that will come off this year.

So my year is going to be full to overflowing and yet time marches on. I need to be careful that I spend time doing the right things or the busyness of life will overtake me and the important things will get lost in the shuffle of papers.

It is time for the adventure of the New Year. Are you ready?

I must go and get ready…






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Owl Applique

I have been working on owls lately and decided to make an applique for free download.   This tutorial is photo rich as I feel that one picture is worth more than one thousand of my words and probably much clearer as well. This owl is simplified and  super easy for beginner applique seamstresses. You can use this as a patch on a blanket, pillow, pants, where ever you decide to use it.

I put my owl on a cross body bag for my daughter. It is a perfect size for her phone, glasses, a pen and anything else she wants to carry. It has a zipper on the top and a strap that can be used several different ways. I used up-cycled denim, fabric scraps and  some jelly roll strips and a remnant for the lining. There will be a tutorial for the bag later.

Cut out your pattern pieces. Pin them to the fabric of your choice and then cut them out.


You can use a fusible web tape  behind each piece to keep it aligned. I didn’t do this as I used pins and it isn’t rocket science.  The background is a 4  x 6 piece of recycled denim.


Center your body onto the background fabric. Pin it to keep it straight.

Here are the wings, and eye patch cut out.

You will need to adjust the settings on your sewing machine. Mine has a button to keep the needle down when the machine stops stitching. You will want to do this either manually or simply push the button.

Change your stitch to the blanket stitch. You also need to change the stitch width. I put my stitch width to about a 2.5 or 3.  

Position your needle at the edge of the body shape so that the straight stitch will be on the denim or background fabric. The blanket part of the stitch will be into the body of the owl.

See that little bit where my attention wandered.  Thankfully it fits under a wing and I don’t feel any compulsion to rip it out and start over.

Ahh, this is the right way to sew it.

One wing placed, pinned and sewn… and now to the other.

Pin all your pattern pieces together so you don’t lose any.

Place the beak and pin it like so. Sew down one side and then move the pin to the last edge you will sew. I simply leave the needle down and lift the pressure foot and rotate the  whole thing until it lines up where I need to sew. Then put the pressure foot back down.

Like so!

See the beak is finished and now we add the eye patch.

See how the pin is in the fabric. I will be able to sew two directions  and leave that pin in for most of it. Treat the eye patch like a box shape when you are sewing and it will be easier. There is a bunch of sew,stop, leave the needle down, lift the pressure foot, and turn to this part.

Now your Owl is finished except for his eyes. I sewed the eyes on at the very end of making the purse/bag.

Isn’t he cute. I know that the sewing purists in you would say. Where is the interfacing and the stabilizer? My thought is:  I made this for a teenager. In two months or less she will probably not be using it as she will want something else.  I can always make her another. If I wait until I have all of the things needed to sew, I would never sew. This isn’t rocket science or even an entry to the fair. It is a bag for my girl. i learn something every time I sew and I am getting better at it everyday.

talk to you later,

P.S. She loves it!













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Sweater Frogging…

Sweater frogging not to be confused with hunting frogs or knitting tiny sweaters for frogs, can be a great stress reliever.

When I started frogging sweaters for the yarn. I found Dawn’s blog to be the best description of how to do it.  She has very clear pictures and great descriptions of what to do. The only things that I changed when frogging my sweaters.

  1.  I do not have a swift to unravel the yarn onto. I use the back of a chair as my swift. It works great and holds my yarn for me as I unravel.
  2. I also did not tie the yarn with a figure eight tie. I wish I had, my yarn was rather tangled after washing.
  3. I used Dawn dish soap to wash the yarn and I frogged 100% cotton sweaters.I wanted the yarn as clean as possible before I start using it.

This is the red and white yarn being rinsed.

The yarn drying out on the clothes line.


Here is the yarn in new scarves!


A great way to recycle old sweaters.

Talk to you later,
