Rainbow Fingerless Gloves and Curve Balls
Life has been crazy, so Rainbow Fingerless Gloves and curve balls have ruled our house the past several weeks. Here is one of the lovely new patterns that is hot off the hook this week.
The Rainbow Fingerless Gloves
These Rainbow Fingerless Gloves are a great Christmas gift. The simple-to-follow pattern uses easily-found worsted weight yarns to complete the project. You can complete a pair for you or a friend (or both!) before Christmas. The bright colors will warm up any winter day. The best part of this pattern is that it uses such small amounts of yarn that you can use your stash yarns for this gift!
Curve Balls
We have had a pretty major curve ball thrown our way over the past several weeks. Thankfully it isn’t health related (and it isn’t a big scary thing) but it seems like a big thing to us. It is a pretty major home repair. We are weathering the repairs fairly well. It keeps reminding me that disruptions happen: babies are born, emergencies happen unexpectedly, home appliances quit and need repair or replacing, dogs bark, phones ring, cars and computers break down, jobs are lost or found. The list is endless! Working at home has its advantages and disadvantages. I had a friend with a decidedly larger viewpoint on our little crisis who reminded me that several mutual friends have had the same issues over the past several months and it is simply just LIFE. It is helping me get a bigger perspective on life
We often forget that life throws curve balls and that we need to just go with the flow as it changes our routines. I have to admit that it really threw me a curveball and seemed to mess up all the routines and schedules that we had developed overtime.
Life Goes On
It appears that school is on the horizon for many, and Christmas is running up right behind it. I noticed that my favorite neighborhood craft store has Autumn decor out and, by the end of July, they will be bringing out the Christmas decorations.
This is a sample of one of the crochet projects I have planned for Fall. You might have seen it on Instagram if you follow me there. Instagram is usually a more instant snapshot of what I am working on at the moment. You can keep up with daily WIPS (works in progress) there.
Christmas in July
Having Christmas stuff brought out so early tends to make me grumpy–it makes me feel rushed. Like many of you, I prefer to keep my holidays confined to the month they fall in, but Christmas is different. If you are going to create Christmas gifts or decorations, now is the time to get started. This is the only reason that I am working on Christmas in July. Cute little snowmen are dancing in my sleep these days as I work on a cute new pattern for you to sew. Christmas ornaments are also jumping up and claiming my attention. These new and cute patterns will pop out next month so keep coming back. Here is a quick sneak peek of one of the new patterns.
Blog News
The summer break has been good for my creativity. The ideas keep coming and in an effort to get them all written, the blog is going to an every-other-week post. This will free up some of my time to get the patterns written more completely, professionally and thoroughly.
I’m thinking about offering a discount coupon once a month or so with my newsletter. Let me know if you are interested in this coupon. Comment or message below to let me know which you would prefer. Be sure to sign up so you don’t miss any of the flash sales/coupons that will happen in the coming months. (The form is to the right, or at the bottom of the page, depending on what device you are using to view the blog.)
Talk to you later,
P.S. What do you do when the going gets rough?