I have finished project #2, the granny square blanket! It is done and dusted–yay! I hope you are making some progress as well!

A Few Reminders to Help You Work Through Your Stash
- Take a crochet project with you when you may have to wait. For the past week, I have been carrying some little flowers that need squaring up–and I have finished all of them.
- Use what you already have on hand to finish a project. I used a partially completed granny square for the backing on a pillow.
- Be a creative problem solver. If you can’t come up with a solution, talk it out with other people. Often, talking about a problem helps you “see” the answer.
- Work on more than one project at a time. (It’s okay. Really.)
- Don’t skip the planning phase. It will help you stay on track.
- Ignore your work for a little while and take a break. Rest your eyes and hands; clean or organize something else. Your project will be there, waiting for you to come back to it.
Project #2 In Progress
Here are a few more photos of the granny square blanket in progress. If you follow me on Instagram, you have probably already seen these pictures
I must confess: I waited until IÂ totally finished it before I spent time weaving in the ends.
I love the crocheted pom-pom fringe on this blanket. It looks so festive.
Isn’t that little flower adorable? And I love the way the white joining threads make the squares pop!
On to Project #3!
Here is my next project. I have been carrying around these little flower squares for what seems like forever. Several of them were not quite right for the flower garden blanket I finished last year. I also had five left over from the granny square blanket. All together they will make a great pillow cover.
What are you working on and how is it going? Are you finishing up your WIP’s? Feel free to leave a comment below or contact me through Facebook so I can add you to the Pinterest Use Your Stash Challenge 2017 board. Then you can post photos and show us how you are using up your stash!
Talk to you later,
P.S. You can find one of these squares back in this post so many years ago.