I have been watching the Influence & Impact senimar series by Michael Hyatt. Â There are some big name bloggers, speakers and business people speaking in this series. If you watch it this week you can watch it for free. I was reminded a bunch of being in college. Except that my classmates were the family. They all popped in and out from time to time. My husband and I while we were in college together never had a class together. Engineering and Interior Design just never have classes together, or at least then we didn’t.
I have been learning so much and while it is good. I am in information overload. I did take copious notes and sketched while I was listening. It keeps me seated and engaged. After watching the first three speakers, Dale and I had some discussion. There was a ton of conversation about WHY are you blogging and creating. WHY do you do what you do? It is the building block of all businesses. Here is a list of what I like to do and it might help me figure out a more specific WHY. I have felt like I am blogging into a vacuum for years now. I need all the help I can get.
- I like creating things.
- I like creating a wide variety of things.
- I dislike creating the exact same thing over and over, forever.
- I am really good at working with color and design.
- I enjoy being creative with little bits of leftover supplies (like our Grandmothers and great Grandmothers).
- I enjoy repurposing or reusing items for a completely different purpose.
These hearts are made from selvages and most people throw the edges of the fabric in the trash.
These bibs are made from my scrap boxes. I sewed coordinating fabrics together to make them. So, I enjoy making things out of nothing… for the most part. There are times when it is nice to get new skeins of yarn or fabric and make something totally matching, like this quilt.
I learned so much last night watching that it is hard to narrow it down to bullet points, but recapping what I learned last night here are the bullet points for me:
- You have a gift
- It is different from anyone else’s
- You have something to say that is unique
- You need to have people help you. Then they are using their gift and you are using yours and everyone is happier.
- Persevere throughout the whole process.
- Frankly… work is just that WORK, but it is rewarding in its own way. To succeed at anything you put in a lot of work, but it is rewarding if you love what you do.
- Life is challenging anyway you do it so you might as well do what you have a passion for.
- Listen when criticism is good and it helps you grow and don’t listen when it isn’t.
- Everyone is afraid and has fears…get over it.
There you go.
Three hours in a nutshell. That is what I remember today from what I watched last night. I hope to get a chance to watch more today.
Talk to you later,
P.S. Here is the link to the Influence and Impact Seminar.