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Beautiful Ruby Red Afghan Pattern

I have just listed my Ruby Red Afghan pattern for sale in my Etsy and Craftsy stores. I have included the supplies and skills list you need to be able to complete it. This afghan pattern is a step up for beginners. The yarn is a lovely wool blend but can be difficult to frog (or take out) as the fibers can mat together. Even with that challenge, it is a beautiful, soft and warm blanket. It is a good “first jump” into specialty yarns.

Ruby Red Afghan Pattern, www.chocolatedogstudio

Ruby Red Afghan Pattern, www.chocolatedogstudio

Ruby Red Afghan Pattern, www.chocolatedogstudio

Ruby Red Afghan Pattern, www.chocolatedogstudio

Ruby Red Afghan Pattern

It is crocheted and photographed in this lovely red yarn but you can choose from any of the yarn colors which this yarn comes in to make yours unique. There are so many different choices; from icy blues and greens to purples and yellows. Just…so many choices! I know you will find the perfect color combination to fit your personality.

Ruby Red Afghan Pattern, www.chocolatedogstudio

Warm, soft and wooly, it makes a great lightweight blanket with all the warmth of wool. The yarn for this blanket is usually easy to find.

What I’ve Been Up To

October seems to be when I gear up for Christmas and begin creating any handmade gifts that I might want to give to bless friends and family. This blanket is a wonderful gift to give or receive. Spare time is always at a premium during these months and this year is no exception. My goal is to get some new patterns up in the shops soon, so keep dropping in (at the Etsy store and Craftsy store) to look around. (And don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter! Doing so will keep you up-to-date on patterns, finished products, and all that I’ve been up to in life.) I am also concentrating on my giveaway for November. I can’t wait to tell you all about it!

Talk to you later,


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Before Buying New Craft Supplies, Remember These Four Things

Stepping foot into a craft store is dangerous for many crafters’ pocketbooks. It is so easy to over-buy and spend a ton of money on craft supplies which–after the first initial project–just sit in a closet or on a shelf. Having craft storage is great, but not if you fill it with supplies you will never use again. There are so many fun Pinterest projects to choose from; it is easy to buy duplicate supplies instead of checking your stash and working with what you have. I have created a checklist which I run through before I head out to the store. This keeps me more focused with my crafting dollars and allows me to spend more money on yarn. Ha! You knew there was a reason behind my method! Here is my list of things to remember before buying new craft supplies.

1. Do I already have something that will work?

I was at a crossroads; a major element in my project broke. After a quick Internet search for how to fix it, I was ready to pick up my car keys and head to the craft store. Then I stopped, and thought to myself, Would a permanent fabric glue work instead of spray adhesive? Could I use Tacky Glue instead?

3 Things to Remember Before Buying New Craft Supplies

How many times have you jumped in the car to go out and buy a single craft supply when what you already have would work fine? {Raising my hand in guilt!} I’m happy to report that my alternative idea not only worked like a charm, but I was able to use up the whole bottle of Tacky Glue. Score! I used up a craft supply without adding any more stuff to my house. This made my husband very happy.

2. Can I creatively solve the problem?

What can I do to get the same look called for in the pattern or instructions? Would adding glitter to regular glue give me the same effect as glitter glue? Instead of stickers, can I cut out cars and trucks from wrapping papers and use packing tape to decorate the kids’ folders? Before buying new craft supplies, remember: You are a crafter–start thinking creatively.

3. Do my friends and family have it?

Ask around to see if someone has what you need, or a suggestion for a replacement. Many people are overloaded with leftover craft supplies and fabric remnants. You are not alone! (Hence, this blog post.)

Before Buying New Craft Supplies

My mom’s, my mother-in-law’s, and my friend Dawn’s stash fabrics plus my fabric scraps make up a great quilt!.

4. Can I get the supply second hand?

Birthday party supplies, craft supplies, holiday party decorations–these are all items that you can find secondhand at garage sales, thrift stores, and estate sales. You do need to be careful and use due care before buying new craft supplies at garage sales, thrift stores, and estate sales, though. You can read more about that in this blog post on garage sale shopping.

What I’ve Been Up To

It has been busy this past week, but– when isn’t it busy?! I am pretty sure that your life has been overloaded with things to do as well. We are gearing up for a garage sale in the next couple of weeks, which means there are random boxes of stuff sitting around and waiting for the day they will be sold. Constantly seeing these boxes reminds me that I need to go through the rest of my belongings and make sure that I am really and truly ready for the sale.

I have been crocheting up a storm these days and have so many new ideas. Did I tell you that Fall is one of my most productive and creative times of the year? I have been working on more color pooling, and I can’t wait to show you. I’ve also been thinking about the giveaway in November (it’s the anniversary of my Etsy shop, so I’m having a giveaway) and the January challenge (this year is flying by and will be over before you know it). I just received the cutest little things to include for the giveaway–I can’t wait for you to see it all! (Yes, I am one of those people who want to give Christmas gifts in November.)

Are you curious to hear what I am thinking about January? That is the wonderful time when we take down and put away the Christmas decorations; start a fresh, new year; clean up, sort through, and organize our stuff–it’s a new beginning of sorts. It is also when I start the annual Use Your Stash Challenge! I hope you will seriously think about joining us. It is fun and addictive to see what we can make without shopping. It also is a big budget booster and family pleaser (because it helps our overflowing stash fit back into its designated storage space).

Talk to you later,


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A Reason to Rip Out: Color Pooling

Family and friends often ask me what it’s like to design crochet patterns. Recently, I answered that I crochet and rip it out, crochet and rip it out, crochet some more and rip that out, too. I have just finished trying a new technique called color pooling.  Finally, I finish the prototype and let it sit for awhile. Eventually, I take it apart all the way down to the beginning. I can almost hear you sigh as you ask, “Why are you telling me this, Karen?” The answer is simple: learning a new technique means that you must be willing to rip out old work.

I get it–I really do–that feeling of ahh, it’s finally finished! That sense of permanence and finality that comes when you put the hook away, clean up the snippets from weaving in all those pesky ends, and fold up your creation and set it aside. I love that feeling of accomplishment.

The Need to Rip Out

However, there are times when that project just isn’t working out; the colors, the size, the density–something just isn’t right. In your heart of hearts, you know that you are going to hate working on the project and that it will sit unfinished if you don’t correct the problem. You are hesitant–you’ve already put in so much hard work–but you know what you should do. You should rip out that row, those 25 rows, down to the beginning and start over, and simply give the yarn away and start over fresh!

A Reason to Rip Out

I’m talking about the need to rip out in order to prepare you for the next wonderful thing in the world of crochet. It’s big! It’s addicting! And it will cause you to rip out as you work (or design) patterns!

You’ve seen those beautiful variegated yarns on the shelves, the ones that have 2-5 different colors in them, with each color about 10-25 inches in length.  There is this Wow! thing you can do with it, if you space things just so, and crochet the yarn with just the right tension. I know you’ve probably seen projects that use this technique, and you’re wondering about this addicting craze. And, IT IS addicting–In the biggest sense of the word! But, you must get used to ripping out because you will crochet and rip out and crochet and rip out, over and over, again and again.

Color Pooling

I started last night with some Loops & Threads® Impeccable yarn from my neighborhood craft store and my favorite G-size hook. It worked perfectly! I crocheted, ripped out, and crocheted again; in between, I surfed the Internet for clearer instructions. I worked all evening and finally ended up with what you see in the photo below. This is about 34 stitches wide, plus two for turning.  color pooling

What is this mystery? Where did the argyle come from? This, my crochet friends, is called color pooling. Color pooling is when you crochet with variegated yarn in the correct length, tension, and stitch to make the colors show up where and when you want them. It isn’t hard, but it does take determination (and a certain amount of bull-headedness) to want to crochet something in rows for about 3 inches before you rip out and start over to get the patterning right. This method of crocheting isn’t for the faint of heart.

Playing with Color

I love it! What a great way to play with color and buy lovely yarn that already has the pattern built right in! There are so many variegated yarns to choose from, too. Some have larger color sections than others, so keep that in mind when you are shopping.

I will show you more in a later post, as I am off to play with the yarn and see if I can’t make it wider. What did I do with the 18 inches of skinny, skinny scarf, you ask? I ripped it out to make a wider one (after the photographs, of course)! So far, it isn’t working, but I will figure it out. I’m not quite sure whether it is the tension, number of stitches, or what.

Remember: crochet, rip out, repeat.

(I’m hooked! This is like Sudoku, or spider solitaire with four suits. I just can’t put it down, and I will win in the end! As you can see below, it’s time to rip out again.)

time to rip out

Talk to you later,


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Why Etsy Isn’t the Only Way to Sell

Etsy isn’t the only way to sell. Are you surprised to hear me say that? Let me be more specific: If you need to pay off debt, save money or simply earn quick cash, Etsy isn’t the best way to sell your handmade products. Don’t get me wrong– Etsy is a fairly good online venue, but these days it isn’t the only one. It certainly isn’t a fast way to earn money; with 1.6 million sellers, it is a challenge to get your product seen at all.

For most people, Etsy is a slow-growth, long-term business investment. If you are looking to supplement your income now–this month, next month, or even this year–Etsy is not the place to do it. There are really very few people that hit the top of the income curve on Etsy within a year. It takes time to learn the ropes for selling on Etsy.

Alternative Methods of Selling

Personally, if I were uncertain about selling anything I created, I would pick another venue first.

Why Etsy isn't the Only Way to Sell!,

There are other (less expensive) ways to advertise and sell your handmades online. In the beginning, all sales depend on how many people you know and how much they shop. This is your “natural market,” and it’s your best first place to start.

If you are already active on one or more social media platforms, this is where you should take your first marketing steps. When I started my online shop, they were not as well known–or even around–so you’ve actually got it easier than I did. Let’s take a look at some of the obvious places, and remember: no one platform is the only way to sell. Find what works best for you.

Facebook Sales

Selling via Facebook is quite easy to do. If you’ve had an account for any length of time, you’ve already created your natural market–your ready-made customer base: friends and family. It is inexpensive–okay, it’s actually free–to start your own Facebook business page and share it with your friends. While Facebook does offer ads and the ability to “boost” posts for a fee, it isn’t required. The more people interact with your page, the more it will appear in their news feed. The more people “like” and “share” your posts and page, the more new views you’ll have, and this will bring you more customers.

Why Etsy isn't the Only Way to Sell!,

Pinterest Sales

Pinterest is still a fairly new venue–about which I’m still learning–but there are many people using it successfully to sell their handmade items. You will need to set up a Pinterest account, which is free to do, and then it’s a matter of “creating pins” as a way to advertise and link back to your website. Like Facebook, the best place to start is by getting your friends and family to “follow” you.

All the details and “how-to’s” can be found on Pinterest, as well as by searching online. Here are a few links that may be of help as you set up your shop on Pinterest:

Instagram Sales

This is another venue that I’m really new to, so I’m still in the exploring stages myself. It is also free, but you’ll need a smartphone to use Instagram. Like Pinterest, the potential for sales is on the rise with Instagram. I see many people selling headbands for babies, doll clothing, and jewelry here.

Like other social media outlets, your single best bet for making extra money quickly with your handmades is, quite simply (you know where this is going, right?), your friends and family.

Here are a few links that may be of help as you set up your shop on Instagram:

Not the Only Way to Sell

Each of the above social media platforms has unique features when it comes to selling handmades. Whichever you choose, remember that clear, attractive photos are the key to getting the attention of your buyers. Learn about each platform. Try them out. And then decide for yourself which you will use. Don’t let anyone tell you there is only one way to sell online — I’ve just shown you there are multiple ways!

Now, go out there and get your business set up on social media–you can do it! Have fun with it! If you have any questions about starting a business selling handmades, leave a comment below, or on any of my social media pages. (Feel free to share your social media pages with me as well!)

Talk to you later,


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Sell Your Handmades

Are you thinking about ways to sell your handmades now that you have 100 crochet dishcloths whipped up, and you’ve already given two to everyone you know? Are you thinking about possibly starting an Etsy shop?

There are options other than Etsy or craft shows for selling your handcrafted items which work easier and more efficiently.

Deciding to Sell Your Handmades

When I decided to start selling my handmades, I opened an Etsy shop. My husband was in the process of changing jobs, and I thought selling handmades would be a good way to supplement our income. I designed a cup cozy and started creating a bunch out of stash fabric– I simply used whatever supplies I had on hand as a way to make a profit.

My first year was dismal as far as sales; I didn’t sell a single thing. However, keep in mind that:

  1. The shop opened in November
  2. I had five items
  3. I had no idea what I was doing

Unfortunately, the next year wasn’t much better.  I made $79.50 for the whole year! I will admit that:

  1. My photos were AWFUL! Just horrible.
  2. My listings weren’t much better
  3. My promoting was just BAD

An income of $79.50 for the year is not going to pay my bills. I had to either get better or quit. I chose to get better, and I slowly improved over time.

Consider All Your Alternatives

When I started selling on Etsy in 2008, there weren’t as many other online sales venues. Etsy wasn’t nearly as big as it is now, and it was mostly Mom and Pop shops (not individual sellers). Pinterest and Instagram were just ideas in someone’s head at the time, and selling on Facebook and Twitter was almost non-existent.

As you consider today’s options for ways to sell your handmades, ask yourself these important questions:

  1. Is it worth the cost to pay Etsy 3% of every sale you make?
  2. Do you want to be one of the 1.6 million sellers on Etsy?
  3. Why give Etsy any of your hard earned money when you can use other venues for free?

Sell Your Handmades,

If you are set on selling your handmades online, either on Etsy or another venue, then it’s time to start thinking of some basic business decisions, such as:

  1. Imagine the worse case scenarios when it comes to buying/selling online and figure out how you will handle each of them. Write your answers out and keep them somewhere safe so you will have them if you run into any of the scenarios.
  2. What will your return policy be? Make sure you put this in writing. You will need it at some point.
  3. Wrap an item for shipping and weigh it. Put this info in writing for easy reference.
  4. Research shipping costs and decide how you will handle long distance returns. (See #2.)
  5. Figure out average shipping costs to various locations in the USA so you can set your shipping prices accordingly. Do you want to ship to Alaska and Hawaii as well? What about other countries? (If not, include this info in your shipping policies.)
  6. Think about custom orders. Are you going to accept them? Will there be special charges for them?

Keep all this info in a safe place. This is part of your business plan. As you make more business decisions (such as how to market your handmades), you will want to keep all of this info together in a place where you can find it easily.

Sell Your Handmades,

Creating a Business

If, after answering all these questions, you still desire to sell your handmades, then it’s time to get serious– get some business cards made. Business cards are a great way to create a business identity. Tuck one or two into each and every item you sell, hand them out to friends and give one to anyone you speak with who asks for your contact info (doctors, sales clerks, local craft shops, etc). Include a photo of an item that represents your business on the front of the card to boost your identity as a serious business owner.

Take good care of your printer, or buy a sturdy one. It will become a good friend to you as you print out receipts, business cards, invoices, and shipping labels.

Make sure you set up your finances correctly, too:

  1. Write a budget. (And stick to it!)
  2. Open a business checking account. (Never mix business and personal funds.)
  3. Keep track of your expenses. (For tax purposes.)
  4. Get a sales tax permit for your state if you sell to your local friends. (The IRS will find you sooner or later if you don’t.)
  5. Stay out of debt. (If you don’t have funds in your account then don’t buy anything–it’s not a good deal if you don’t have the cash.)

My final piece of advice when you are ready to sell your handmades is simple: have fun, be enthusiastic, and don’t worry. If you take care to make quality items and treat your customers and other sellers well, you will succeed. You may need to make adjustments here and there, but everyone (from Wal-mart on down to the neighbor’s garage sale) does that.

Have you started to sell your handmades yet? Are you still thinking about it? Which social media or other venue have you found to be the most profitable? Leave a comment and let me know!

Talk to you later,



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Garage Sale Shopping for Craft Supplies

There are so many different places to buy older or gently used craft supplies:

  • garage sales
  • estate sales
  • thrift stores
  • flea markets/craft malls

But today, we are talking about craft supplies from garage sales. Yes, garage sales! I know, you normally think of clothing, toys, and household items, but I’m here to tell you that you can score some great finds for craft supplies, too, when you are garage sale shopping. Before you set out on the hunt for supplies this weekend, though, you need to be prepared.

Garage Sale Shopping for Craft Supplies,

Before You Leave

Ask yourself these questions before you leave the house:

  1. What is it that I need to buy; am I trying to start or finish a specific project?
  2.  What is my spending budget for my purchases today?
  3.  Do I have my cash ready for shopping?
  4. Where am I going to do my garage sale shopping?

If you don’t know the answers to those questions, then you need to wait until you do. Get a pen and some paper. I’ll wait for you to answer them.

Off You Go!

Now that you have a game plan in place, you get in the car, buy coffee and donuts, pick up your BFF, and drive off to your first garage sale. Woohoo! You’ve reached the neighborhood and see the sale, but wait–!! Before you even stop the car you need to start asking yourself some questions again:

  1. Is the sale clean, in a clean environment, and safe?
    If the sale area looks dirty, or the items are sitting in the dirt, then the answer is NO! You don’t even need to get out of the car at that sale; just keep driving!
  2. Does the sale look like it might have what I want?
    If you need baby blue yarn or party decor for a boy’s birthday, and the garage sale is a sea of pink and purple, just keep driving. The chances that this place will have what you want are slim-to-none.

Garage Sale Shopping Score

Ok, you and you BFF have finally found a nice looking place to stop, and they actually have something you put on the giant list you made at home. Now you need to ask yourself these next few questions:

  • Do I know the content of the yarn, fabric, marker, etc.?

The content of art supplies has changed over the years, especially in kids’ craft supplies, so be careful. Check for the ‘non-toxic’ labels and make sure whatever you buy is safe according to new and current laws.

Try not to buy yarn unless it still has the labels on it so you know what kind of fiber you are buying. Otherwise, you might end up crocheting a wool sweater for your niece who happens to be allergic to wool. There are tests you can do to check fiber content, but sometimes the tests are just a rough approximation. Remember, only buy yarn for planned projects which you know you will complete. This keeps your stash down and your spouse happy. (Happy Spouse = Happy House.)

  • Can I clean or wash the item the minute I get home?

If you can’t wash it and it isn’t clean, just walk away. Don’t even buy it.

  • Is the item in good working condition?

Markers, paint, glue and other things dry up so make sure that they are still in good working condition. Don’t pay for something you can’t use.Garage Sale Shopping for Craft Supplies,

  • If I can’t use the item right away, do I have a place to store it until I do?

This is so important! And so is this next one:

  • If I store it, will I remember I have it?

I have been known to buy Valentine treat bags (new, in the package) and then lose them until after the next Valentine’s Day. Have a place to store things, and know where you have stored them. A “master craft supply list” on your computer would come in handy for this.

Final Questions

The final question is a three part set.

      1. Is this a once in a lifetime buy?
      2. Is the price so good I can’t pass it up?
      3. Can I find it easily if I don’t buy it here?

If your answers are “yes,” “yes,” and “no,” and if you have not spent all your budgeted money, and if the item passes all the questions in the previous section, then you need to buy it before your BFF does! What are you waiting for?!

Those are all the questions I ask myself before and during my garage sale shopping trips for craft supplies. I hope they help you the next time you plan to go out! If you’ve found any once-in-a-lifetime buys at garage sales, I’d love to hear about it! Leave a comment below, and don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter.

Talk to you later,


P.S. The star in the photograph at the top of the page is made from vintage felt. The vintage pillowcase needs to be embroidered, but the embroidery floss pictured with it is not vintage.

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Yikes! Stripes Blanket Pattern

The Yikes! Stripes blanket pattern is so fun and easy to crochet. The colorful stripes and long length make this a great gift for the man in your life. The soft, chunky yarn is not what I normally use in my patterns, but that’s exactly what makes it more masculine: the bold colors and thick, warm strips.

Like a Favorite Scarf

Just look at these stripes! This pattern reminds me of the “team” scarves that so many people wear to sporting events. Can you imagine presenting this to the sports fan in your life? I’m sure he’ll find the colors of his favorite team in there!

I’m so excited for you to see this pattern and make it for yourself! Keep reading for links to my Etsy and Craftsy shops, where you can find the pattern.


Yikes! Stripes Blanket Pattern,

This pattern is perfect for a beginner. It really is fun to crochet it and watch as each stripe continues the lovely pattern.

Yikes! Stripes Blanket Pattern,

This blanket works up super quick, but you will need to know how to weave in all of the ends as there are quite a few of them.

Yikes! Stripes Blanket Pattern,

Yikes! Stripes

The yarn for this pattern is easily found and relatively inexpensive. If you’re looking for a second project to squeeze in before the holidays, or for an upcoming birthday, this is it.  You can find the pattern in either my Craftsy store or in my Etsy store.

No time to crochet and need this blanket now? You can purchase the Yikes! Stripes blanket at either Amazon or Etsy. Thanks for shopping; I hope you will consider making this fun pattern in all of its wonderful stripey-ness!

What I’ve Been Up To

If you haven’t had a chance to check out my YouTube videos that I’m making for the studio yet, I hope you will take time soon to stop by and see them. I have an Okie accent, which will hopefully bring a smile to your face as you listen. I honestly had no idea it was so thick!

It is truly amazing and humbling to see my videos out there in the world for all to see. I just can’t get over it! I am sure my family is getting tired of hearing me talk about them. Besides the videos, I am also working on two different afghans, along with writing new patterns and blogging. Life is never dull around here!

School has started; it’s my daughter’s senior year. She’s the last child, and that means I am almost at the end of what feels like a lifetime of teaching. It will be the end of an era for both homeschooling and motherhood. I will have 26+ years of “always being there” under my belt. Where did the time go?!

Are you transitioning this year? Perhaps you’ll soon have an empty nest, like me. Or maybe you have elderly parents for whom you have taken on caregiving duties. Leave a note in the comments and tell me what’s going on in your life! Then take time to sign up for our newsletter, so you’ll always know when new patterns are released.

Talk to you later,


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Dreaming of Autumn and Overflowing Creativity

I’m not quite sure why, but it seems I usually crochet an afghan in neutral colors about the same time I start dreaming of autumn. The summers here get outrageously hot and spending time inside seems to be the best answer. This year, this neutral afghan is a palette cleanser for me; a change from all the bright, cheerful colors that I use most of the time.  Almost like getting new back-to-school clothes or new notebooks and pencils, using a neutral palette helps me to reset and prepare myself for the rush that is autumn. This blanket will not be available as a pattern since it required too much tweaking to make it easy to follow, but it will be available in both the Etsy and Amazon shops on September 2nd. Isn’t it gorgeous? I love the different textures and the super soft yarns.

neutral afghan for autumn

Dreaming of Autumn

I am ready for autumn colors and fall leaves. All the craft stores have their fall decorations and plastic pumpkins out on their shelves already.  I have been busy designing some new fingerless glove patterns for fall, and they will be available for free to subscribers and in the shop in the first weeks of September. They are super quick and easy to crochet. I promise you will love them.

Back-to-School Schedule

It is back to school time here. Photos of students with cheerful faces eager to start a new school year have flooded my Facebook page.  We are also starting our new school year. It means getting back to a firm routine and trying to balance all of life + school +crochet. I usually struggle with starting a new schedule but this year seems to be different and easier. New ideas and patterns are flitting through my mind as I sit here supervising my daughter’s school work.

Autumn projects

These granny squares are part of a new afghan– one of the new ideas I have in mind for this fall. There are new YouTube videos coming out soon, as well. I can’t wait to show you everything! The weather is finally cooling off here, and with it has come an overflow of creativity.

Talk to you later,


PS: What’s your favorite thing about autumn? Leave a comment and let me know!

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Swimming Lessons (Not the Kind You Think)

This post is about swimming, and I’ll get to that in a moment. But first, I want to share with you a sneak peek at a couple new crochet patterns I’ve been working on this week.

crocheting and swimming

Both of these photos are part of the step-by-step instructions for the new patterns I’m working on. I’m really looking forward to sharing the patterns with you.

crochet and swimming

Besides working on several new crochet patterns this week, I’ve been swimming for exercise. Recently, I had an epiphany at the pool; it was almost funny.

Lessons at the Swimming Pool

I have been making a huge effort to exercise more, and this particular day I was at the pool. I had just finished doing my exercises and decided to try to swim a lap or two since there was no one else there to see me. (Am I the only one who prefers to exercise alone?)

I strike out to start my lap, and soon I start floundering; I’m flailing at the water and failing miserably. I couldn’t seem to stay above the surface. Panic was setting in.

I’m going to drown. I can’t swim, anymore–I’m going to drown. There is no one around to see me. I’m swimming all alone. It’s against all the swimming rules. My mother will just kill me for swimming alone. What am I doing? I am failing! 

All these thoughts were running through my mind at lightning speed. Then, suddenly, I heard a voice–

Karen! This is silly, put your feet down. You can stand up! I did it; I was standing. What a relief, I was not going to drown! (Please, don’t tell my mom I was swimming alone.)

I was swimming in what is known as an arthritis pool. At the deep end, it is 4’5″ which allows me to stand flat-footed in all depths. I knew that I could stand up, but I forgot in the struggle of the moment. It took serious, conscious effort to override my adrenalin surge and stick to the truth; the truth that I can stand up and I will not drown. (My mom does not need to know that I’ve broken the cardinal rule of swimming: never swim alone.)

Life Lessons

The swimming pool isn’t the only place where we can feel like we’re drowning. I have been feeling out of my depth in much of life these days as well, but I am sticking to the truth so as not to drown.

The first truth I am remembering is that if you are called to do something, it will not always be easy. Sometimes it will feel overwhelming, but the Lord is always there to help carry our burdens.

The other truth I am remembering is that even when you know how to do something, you can still fail miserably. Keep your courage up and keep trying. Think of all those Olympic athletes that trained so hard and failed so many times. The would not have made it to the Olympics if they had given up. You can’t have success without failure and do-overs.

Talk to you later,


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Priorities Come in All Shapes and Sizes


Grapes and PrioritiesOur family has always worked together to bring in the fruits and vegetables. I remember doing this as a young child at my grandma’s house. Back then, it was either corn or purple hull peas. Our treat at the end of the work session was cold, homegrown, ripe watermelon. Grandpa and Grandma always had a big garden–that’s how they put much of their food on the table–and any family who lived nearby came to help. Family helping family has always been one of our priorities. Yet we don’t think of it as a priority, even though we make it one. It’s just something we do, like other families who attend football games together.

Our children have grown up with this tradition of helping as well. When we had an apple tree, all of the kids helped with the apple harvest; they helped make applesauce, apple pie filling, and apple jelly. Last week we worked on the grape harvest at my father-in-law’s. It was hard work, but many hands made light work. It was incredibly hot at 102–August in Oklahoma is always pretty hot–but the grapes were good.

After lunch, we loaded up and headed home for more work in the air conditioning. We juiced the grapes and placed the juice in the freezer, where it is now waiting until we are ready to make jam. It’s going to be so good!


Crocheting (another one of my priorities, of course!) has been fun the past week as I have finished up an afghan and also several fingerless gloves. The pattern writing was hit or miss, but thankfully more hit than miss. These particular designs are fun, quick and easy, which will make them perfect for the Fall. Watch for their release in a week or two.



The end of summer has come all at once in a rush, and BOOM! school is starting soon. The get-ready-to-start-school meetings have begun, and they keep me out at night, which means less time at home to crochet. Yesterday I spent time mapping out our weeks, trying to make sure that the necessary and important times are listed first.  Rather like the jar of rocks story. Have you heard that story? It goes something like this …

The teacher stands in front of the class. He has in front of him a pile sand,  a pile of pebbles and a pile of larger rocks next to a jar. He fills the jar with rocks until it is full.  Then he turns and asks the class is the jar full. They all nod yes, the jar is full. 

Then he adds the pebbles, and they slide in around the rocks until no more pebbles fit in the jar. He asks the class is the jar full. Yes, they all nod.

He then takes the sand and it slides in around the rocks and the pebbles completely filling the jar. Is the jar full he asks his class? Yes, they all say.

They are surprised to see him pick up a bottle of water; he then pours the water in the jar over the rocks, sand and pebbles. Now the jar is full he says.

The rocks represent things that have real value; the people in your life,  and your health. The irreplaceable things; we must make sure to make time for them.

The pebbles represent things like your job, house, car, etc…

The sand represents small stuff–laundry, dishes, returning the library books, errands–things that will always be there.

The water represents the spirit or attitude that we have when are doing everything else. It will color our lives and make or break relationships and jobs. It will touch every grain of sand, pebble and rock in that jar, just as being happy or grumpy can affect everyone we meet.

This story is in my mind as I go about writing a schedule for our school and work. Rocks first, then the pebbles and finally the sand. All encompassed in a spirit of prayer.

Talk to you later,


PS: How do you get ready for school? Leave a comment and share your planning tips with me!