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August To Do List

I have to get my August To Do list written down as I have so much to get done before the craft show in November and Christmas in December. I have physical therapy and homeschooling biting into my time. Along with all the other things that Mom’s do! I have been stuck on several projects lately and also struggling with reaching the goals I have set for this year.  It is interesting that right as I am thinking all of these things two blog posts from some people that I try to remember to read on a regular basis. One is Michael Hyatt and the other is Dave Ramsey. Today, I’m going to lean pretty hard on Dave’s post about 4 Ways to Reach your Goals Before the End of the Year!

1. Write it Down

2. Keep is Specific and Measureable

3. Set a Time Limit

4. Own it.

These are great and they are the basis of this week’s to do list!

  1. Sew tags on all cup cozies without tags
  2. sew tags on completed hats
  3. sew tags on completed scarves
  4. sew tags on  other completed items.
  5. Sew buttons on completed cup cozies
  6. Cut out needed fabric pieces for cup cozies
  7. get hair cut (it is so wild and bushy that I can’t stand it.)
  8. make menu and grocery list.
  9. rearrange furniture in living room

If you noticed there is not one little bit of crochet on this list. I am pampering my wrists as I get carpal tunnel symptoms when I crochet too much. I will crochet later in the month when a loved one has surgery. It will be easy to take projects with me for my time sitting with them at the hospital. Here are a few photos of some crochet items that I finished up while recovering from surgery.

August To Do List

Lovely flannel receiving blankets and new crochet baby blankets ready for ChocolatesBabyShop!

August To Do List


We have had some lovely sales and I am teaching my new assistant how to package each order. It is taking a little extra time but she is doing a beautiful job. (This translates into I am training our youngest daughter to help me in the shop in return for cold, hard cash!) She is doing a great job and seems to enjoy it. I desperately needed someone to help with this as I was not getting around very quickly when she started working for me.

Talk to you later,
