The last few days have been a struggle. Completing more than I imagined has actually thrown me off track. That, and life. I have to admit, life has really been unusual lately, even for us. So, I took a day off. (Wow! That is amazing for me!) One of my New Year’s resolutions was to put clearer boundaries on family time and work time–mainly work time. The tendency to check email right before bed is not conducive to thoughtful emails and clear answers, nor restful sleep. It also hinders my creativity. I decided I needed a day just to sit and do nothing; a day to work on generating new crochet ideas.
Thoughts of the Future
So, what’s on my mind for future projects? Baby blankets! They are quicker to make than full-size afghans and less intimidating. Not only do they require less time, but they also need less yarn. They are fun to crochet, and it is fun to think about the lovely, snuggly, little baby that will soon be wrapped up in it.
I encourage you to take some time off to dream. Think past your current stash (which will be drastically reduced by next week, hopefully) to what you will create when the ban on purchasing more yarn is over!
What will you work on?
What do you want to learn?
Working Ahead
I had baby blankets (and babies!) on my mind when I created my Use Your Stash Challenge 2017 to do list. A couple of my current projects are baby blankets. I just couldn’t wait, so I started four five projects at one time during this challenge. What was I thinking?! Here’s my list:
- A striped baby blanket
- Another striped baby blanket
- A third striped baby blanket
- A purse for me (I love crochet purses and bags.)
- A bag for me (Recover a tote bag with more granny squares, stash items, and yarn.)
Here are a couple of photos to inspire you and generate new crochet ideas:
So, today (or soon) I want to encourage you to take a day off and rest your hands and your mind. Relax and let your creativity flow!
Generating New Crochet Ideas
Here are ten creative ways to spark some new crochet ideas.
- Clean up after yourself. Clean your studio, work area, or yarn basket; toss out old supplies or ends of yarn. I have found winding yarn on my yarn cake winder almost meditative.
- Look up some inspiring photos on Pinterest or go to a museum. Museums are so fun! You can really go there or go virtually via the Internet.
- Go to the park and have a picnic. Or, if it is too cold, call a friend and do something fun. Go on a date with your husband and see a movie.
- Read something different from what you usually read. Step out of your box!
- Step outside of your normal field of creativity. I like to paint with watercolors or acrylics. If you do, too, take a day to go somewhere like Pinot’s Palette, or take a quilting class.
- Exercise to clear your mind. Take a walk, go swimming, or do some other kind of exercise. Just get moving!
- Volunteer. Helping others is a great way to clear our minds of our personal stress. It helps us keep higher motivations in mind, and allows us to see things from a different perspective.
- Work on a project unrelated to the challenge. Just one day, though! This is what I did–I admit it. I worked on a new baby blanket for several rows. I just couldn’t resist! The yarn came in the mail in the middle of the challenge, and I just had to see what it would look like.
- Play with a friend’s kids. Children have such vivid imaginations. Your friend will love you for occupying her children and you will love the fun.
- Work on something else! Choose a different Stash Challenge project to work on. I guess this is why I have so many different projects going at the same time. This is also why some get forgotten in the mists of time.
Talk to you later,