December always seems to be the time when I take stock and check what I need to change and improve. It seems I mostly do this when I clean for family visits over the holidays. Are your December days like this, too? I guess it is the feeling of starting a new year, of new beginnings. I look forward to getting organized and setting up better systems for managing my life and planning for the future. Then I won’t have to struggle so much with cleaning/organizing in the New Year.
Three Areas I Struggle to Manage Well
- My Time
- Crochet Projects
- Family/Work Balance
How I Manage My Biggest Stumbling Block
Managing my time has been a huge stumbling block for me. It seems that something is always in the way of doing what I want to do. I recently had a conversation with our adult daughter which really opened my eyes. I was listing everything I had to do and why it seemed like I never had any time. Along with the list was my chief complaint that I am tired all the time. We talked about it for awhile and, finally, she said, “It sounds like you need a day off.” She was right, but my schedule is too full and too busy with too much stuff going on.
I took a long look at my calendar and started canceling things that were not immediately necessary. Just because something is good doesn’t mean I need to participate. If you take the rock, pebbles and sand analogy too far you can see yourself coming and going. Then there is no time to just be, to just enjoy life. Family, art, and creativity take time; you just have to know how to spend that time. Otherwise, you miss the small minutes that can mean so much. It is possible to structure your time so heavily that you never have time to look at the rainbow. or the flowers. I catch myself not looking my kids “in the eye” and telling them I love them. And I forget: why I started this crafty business in the first place; to tell my husband I love him; to laugh and have fun with my family.
Wow, I forget a lot. It must be the doer/manager part of me that is so strong. If you forget the sweet things in life, then you really don’t have a life!
Three Simple Things for Managing My Life
I have been delegating more house chores to family members–the kids need the experience and practice, plus the knowledge that cleaning should happen every week. Whenever I can have someone else do a chore, then I do. Delegating to the kids to do their own laundry and “hiring” their help around the house has freed up some of my time and keeps the cleaning chores down to a dull roar for me.
Set Office Hours
I posted my office hours for my online sales venues. This helps customers know that I am not ignoring their comments on the weekend. I am truly off work. I also am trying learning to schedule work time around family/date night/me time. I’m getting better at it. When you work in your living room, your work can become your life.
Work Ahead
In an effort to reduce stress, I am trying to work ahead. From freezer cooking to errands to crochet patterns, I am attempting to work in advance of when it is due. This gives me a little spare time to fight off that cold or welcome the new Grandkids that arrive unexpectedly.
Now if I can just get my Christmas/Birthday shopping and card buying done early too!
You notice I did not say one word about crocheting, organizing yarn, or using my stash yarns. That’s because my focus this month is on using my stash yarn. Be watching for a post next week when I tell you all about the Use Your Stash Challenge because we must, after all…
Shop Our Stash First!
Already, I am getting so excited about it–I can’t wait to get started! I want to see all of your projects and ideas, and I can’t wait to feel the excitement as we all work through our stash and WIP’s (works in progress).
Talk to you later,